Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm trying to be a better listener

I had a variety of thoughts and experiences today, including:

I'm trying to be a better listener by pondering the thought "Seek to understand, then to be understood" by Stephen R. Covey.  I had a friend tell me once that I am a "complex person, with as many layers to understand as an onion".  I think we all have many "layers" to our personalities . . . and it's worth making the effort to appreciate this when it is our turn to listen . . .

Jacob went with me today to the radiation treatment and since it was Wednesday got to visit with Dr. Richards.  I'm one-third done now and the radiation is going exactly where the doctor wants it, which is reassuring.  It was nice of Jacob to come, and I enjoyed visiting with him afterwards.  :)

Doug Jr is organizing a group competition on ESPN's website to see who can best predict who will advance in each round of the World Cup (soccer) that starts in about two weeks. I submitted my picks today and wound up picking Brasil to beat their neighbor and rival Argentina in the championship game.  I can picture the pandemonium on the streets of both countries if that actually happens!

I will conclude today with a picture Willyne sent me of the obstacle she faced getting in her car after a Relief Society visit today -- looks big to me!

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