Friday, May 7, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Sunny Spring Friday

Had a hard time getting up today, finally put my feet on the floor for good at 7:20.  The allergy medicine saps my strength, but not breathing saps it more, so I'll choose breathing!  It is a pretty morning, I'm ready to enjoy the day!

Read from 1 Nephi 10 and Leviticus 25.  Am thinking I kind of like the concept of a "jubilee year"!

Breakfast was a kefir shake, vitamins, allergy medicine, and water, then went to the office.  Lunch and dinner were premeasured meals. 

Had two visits with Stephen Sanders today, who seems to be doing much better.  He will resume chemotherapy treatments on Tuesday, it is good that he is feeling well enough to do that.

In between the two visits, had a quiet evening talking and planning with Willyne.  We both enjoy that very much!

No walk today, but allergies are gradually improving.  I'm hoping to feel good enough to start walking again on Monday.


  1. I like the concept too. Let's make the Jubilee year the same as Mt. Whitney

  2. Sounds like a solid plan to me.
