Monday, January 31, 2011

31 Jan 2011

I had my Monday morning weigh-in today and reached my first mile in a single session (since beginning series 2).  You can read more about it at

Today was the deadline day for quarterly payroll and sales tax returns, including getting W-2 and 1099 forms sent.  It was busy and consumed my day until about 8:30 in the evening.  Then I came home and relaxed with Willyne for an hour or so.  A nice day.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Let's Try Again On "Consider The Lilies"

I thank my mother for pointing out to me that there was no audio or video on my post yesterday. Thanks to the wonders of You Tube, I think I have fixed it now.

It was a pretty normal Sunday.  I took my Sabbath break from the treadmill.  I'll admit it, I have gotten so I look forward to my one day a week off from that, but it also helps keep me going consistently the other six days of the week, so it's a good thing. 

We had clerk training from the stake at 7 this morning.  It was good, we learned all the new things we can do from home using the Church's new website now.  When you log in, it knows what calling you have and gives you support materials appropriate for that, which is terrific!

David and Tana Segler spoke in Sacrament Meeting on preparedness, it wound up being much more on spiritual preparedness than any other kind, with the idea being you have to do that first.  The primary also sang.  All very nice.  Hugh Howard taught his 5th Sunday journal writing class during the Sunday School hour.  He got us thinking about what is really important to each of us and why.  Then we had combined Priesthood and Relief Society, with presentations from the Young Men's, Elders, and Relief Society presidents, the High Priests group leader, and the bishop.  All of them, including Willyne, were good.  I think we are going to see a lot more of this in 2011.  I love Willyne's passion and the chance I get to help her with it ...

After church we had arranged a get-to-know-you dinner for 20 at our house.   We did turkey, mashed potatoes, and a chocolate sheet cake dessert.  Others brought items for the table too.  It was all to help our newest convert, Dayle Kelso, get to know more people in the ward.  Only problem was he hurt his back and legs at work a couple days ago, and wasn't up for this.  So the rest of us went ahead anyway -- very nice!  We took Dayle a plate afterwards with a note we all signed, and told him we hoped he would feel better next time.

From there it was choir practice.  Came home, and was pretty tired.  So here is my recipe to relax:  Eat some of Willyne's good leftovers, talk with Rachel on the phone, laugh and enjoy, get a small blanket to get warm and a pillow to get comfortable and watch a movie and a half with Willyne.  Now I feel pretty good ... just in time to head back to work tomorrow :)

I love Sundays!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

20 Miles ... Consider the Lilies!

Luke 12:27 "Consider the lilies how they grow ... Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these" - made me think of one of Willyne's favorite songs ...

And now a word from our sponsor ... :)
Should I Use Software To Do My Own Taxes Or Get Help From A Pro?

Most people use a computer to prepare their yearly income tax returns now. The laws just get more and more complicated -- it's VERY difficult to do it any other way now. The IRS has even stopped mailing the forms booklet now, if you do still want to figure your taxes out by hand ... (to keep reading click here: )

And a milestone today, I passed 20 miles with terreeeblay, click here

And now it's time to follow the example of our Primary friends and use what's left of Saturday ... to get ready for Sunday!  Have a great Sabbath :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Getting closer to a mile a day, tortoise style

day 33 of series 2 walking:

My tax and money musings today ...

Your Very Own $464,000 Question

A few of you might remember the 1950s TV quiz show, The $64,000 Question. In today's dollars, that's closer to the $464,000 question -- and you might be surprised that it's not just for a few select contestants on a television show, but for you and pretty much everyone you know.  (To read the rest click on:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Microblogging The Day

Microblogging ... recording your thoughts in very short bursts ...

"Give us day by day our daily bread." Luke 11:3 - Life Is So Much Fuller When We Do Acknowledge Jesus Christ -

A Hidden Gem-The Savers Credit Could Be Worth $1,000 To You (Thanks, Willyne, for sending me the link that started me thinking on this one)
"It's not that I'm so smart , it's just that I stay with problems longer ." - Albert Einstein  (brought to you by Quotehouse!/quotehouse )

Day 32 walked 0.86 miles with my friend Terreeeblay the treadmill in 20 minutes; Series 2 total 18.54 miles in 8 hours 0 minutes.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'd better make it good!

The story of the Good Samaritan always touches me, and today did not fail.  Luke 10:29-37.  It's worth the read!

Willyne left early today for three days of hopefully rest and catching up on some crafting with Penny in California.  It took me about 15 minutes to figure out I was really missing her.  I still marvel that such a neat lady would want to hang around with me, but she does, and thank goodness for that!  To speak a little Southern, I would be a bigger mess than I am otherwise ...

The work day was pretty normal, a procession of 5 and 10 minute tasks one after the other.  Before I knew it that day had sped by.  Where do they go?  I have appreciated writing these entries.  I look back and realize better where they do go.  I also live better as a result, because I know whatever I decide to do (or not do) is going to wind up being recorded here, so I'd better make it good!

I visited Terreeeblay at dinner time, then headed to watch a BYU basketball game with Doug.  Can't remember the last time he was excited about the quality of BYU basketball, but he is right now.  Very fun.  If you'd like more details about my walk, my eating, and how the game went with Doug, it's all right here:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The neighbor walking on the other side of the horse pasture ...

Terreeeblay has most of the news today, from day 30 in series 2 of the treadmill, to dinner with the bishopric this evening.  Read all about it!

There was one other thing early this morning.  Just before Thanksgiving, a neighbor a block up the street knocked on the door, and wanted to know if I minded if he parked his 18 wheel tractor trailer rig in front of our house.  He promised to come late at night and leave early in the morning, and not be too noisy.  There was something about the look in his eye and the fact that it was Thanksgiving that made me have a soft heart and say yes.  I knew I couldn't, we have an ordinance against parking trucks like that on the street for one thing.  Still ...

Well, I've been getting a few anonymous complaints, but I haven't wanted to do anything about it because of that look in the man's eyes, like I was taking food out of his children's mouths if I didn't say yes or something.  I don't know how to describe that look.

Anyway, as I was getting ready to visit Terreeeblay this morning, I heard the truck start up, and I knew what I had to do, so I got my levis on and went across the street to talk with him.  Only problem was, the truck was running but no one was there.  I knew eventually he would come back, and he did, a half hour later.  I got to talk with Vern Jacques when he drove by, and waved at a few other folks as I was "out getting some air" as Vern put it.

My heart was heavy as I waited, but eventually I saw him across the horse pasture, walking up the street.  He saw me too.  I tried to smile as we met, I hope I did.  I know he knew what I was going to say before I said it.  "Sorry, but I'm going to ask you to find somewhere else to park your truck.  I've had some complaints."  He was nice about and said, "I understand.  Our friendship is more important than where I park my truck."  He's hoping to get Lane Blackmore's permission to park with the other trucks on the vacant commercial lot by the Post Office, but he can't get Lane to return his calls ...  I hope Lane does soon.  It would make me feel better ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

A 3M Day - Maude, Michael, and Mary

An excellent day ...

I went with Willyne to visit Jacob, Hilary, and Maude for an hour at mid-day today, while there I got to hold Maude and enjoy her for a full half hour.  We had a great time together!  I also have 2 wonderful pictures that don't seem to want to upload here, I'll try again a little later ...

Today is my brother Michael's birthday, his 49th.  If you don't know him, that's because he was born premature and quite small.  He lived several hours and died later on the day he was born.  Willyne and my mother met me at his grave where we talked and enjoyed thinking about him for a little while near the end of the afternoon at 5:30. 

It is also my cousin Greg's birthday and my grandmother Mary's birthday.  I had the special treat of growing up with 3 grandmothers, each of whom was very kind to me.  Emelia, known to me as "Bon", is my mother's mother; Edna was my grandfather Beecher's second wife (she is 97 and still going strong living in her home in Milwaukie, Oregon, near Portland - I last saw her 4 years ago on my most recent trip to the Pacific Northwest), and Mary is my father's mother.

Mary was born January 24, 1901 in Willard, Utah, so she would be 110 today.  She lived to be 93 and is buried in the Willard City Cemetery, just off I-15 a few miles south of Brigham City.  She loved her crossword puzzles, and did them better than anyone I've ever known.  She had a large, well-worn dictionary that she had used so much to solve her crosswords that you couldn't close the book, it sat permanently open in her small kitchen.  One Christmas we gave her a new one, but we learned there was nothing quite like her original one where she knew where everything was. 

She also had a wonderful skill for cooking in cast iron pots and pans on her coal burning stove.  It was especially good for cooking fried eggs and macaroni and cheese. 

I'd like to post a picture of her here and thought I had one, but I'm not finding it at the moment.  Sorry.

Changing subjects, the tortoise walked today after having Sabbath rest yesterday.  Read more about it at:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A good day

We had ward conference today.  Was there extra early to print out the report of officers to be sustained.  We corrected some of the items in bishopric meeting.  Also finished the monthly statistical report and handed it out.  Good talks and lessons in the meetings.  Willyne and I sang in the choir.  Always enjoy bearing my testimony this way.  Visited a family with Willyne and the Bishop after church today and helped give a blessing.  I was glad to have that opportunity.

Worked on the ward historical report for about 4 hours this afternoon and evening.  It's tougher because my computer failed, then the back up disk failed.  But I have 5 pages to show for my effort so far, I think I'm probably 2/3 of the way done.  Thank goodness for everyone's help.

Did planning with Willyne this evening.  A good day.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Good Work in Progress

Today is ending as a work in progress, life is a work in progress too so I guess I'm OK with that.  Here's a few random selections ...

I enjoyed reading Luke 6:26-27.

I got to play with Ethan, Kate, and Riley in their back yard for awhile this afternoon.  Best part of my day, lots of fun!

Received a couple pictures of Maude on my phone from Jacob.  She's wonderful!  She just might be coming home from the hospital tomorrow, we'll see...

I have a post mostly done for my tax and money blog on the decision each person makes as to whether to buy or rent their home.  I'm calling it the $464,000 question, a take-off from the 50s TV quiz show, the $64,000 question.  One sneak preview, at $842 per month average rent today, and assumed inflation of 3% per year, the average person will pay over $1.1 million to rent an average home that they could buy today for $168,800.  That's based on them being 25 now and living 50 more years.  If you live (and rent) longer than that, ... you do the math.  I'll let you know when I finish writing the blog post.

And we have the tortoise and terreeeblay.  Almost sounds like the captain and tenille for you 80s folks out there.  Almost.  If you're into terreeeblay, read about him for today here:
See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Latest Top 10 List

You know you'd rather read about the tortoise and terreeeblay than the tortoise and the hare ...

In my tax and money blog today we have the Top 10 Ways To Go Broke Trying To Build Wealth ...

10 Buy on impulse what feels good at the time and don't keep records of what you spent your money for. After all, life is short, you might as well enjoy it! My response: You definitely should enjoy life, but are you settling for something good or simply momentarily pleasurable and giving up the better and best of life.  If you don't keep records, ... (to keep reading click on:

I read a couple conference talks today to change things up.  Very inspiring!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Picture And A Book Report

El Terreeeblay now has a picture ...   OK, it's still a bare-bones blog, on purpose.  Still, it's good for a smile.

How To Get Wealth When You’re Broke And Over 50

Wealth is not everything. Wealth with selfishness is loneliness. Wealth does happen to be the easiest path to personal freedom … the freedom to have the time and the means to live life the way you...

(to keep reading check out today's entry, including a book report, in my tax and money blog:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Planting Trees in La Verkin

Another busy day at work.  Had city council tonight -- heard reports from the recycling program (it earned us $1,700 in 2010 that is earmarked to plant trees in our city and about double what we got in 2009, so we are making progress!) and from the county victim service program (also making progress, though harder to quantify).  Also began work on the budget process for the upcoming fiscal year (we're barely halfway through this year, but it takes that long to get everyone's input and make sure priorities are right.)

In other happenings, terreeeblay was not alone today and I particularly enjoyed Mark 16:6 and Luke 1:68-79 when I read from the New Testament this morning.  Only 2 chapters behind the pace for the 100 day challenge -- this has been a real blessing to me!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy about 1,606 grams!

"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23-29

The adventures of terreeeblay, including the weekly Monday increased in the walk and the weigh-in

Set up our retired computer as a family history/PAF only machine for Grandmother Forsyth this afternoon, then went across the street to the hospital to visit Hilary and Maude.  She is up to 1,606 grams (I will take any increase, yea!) and her hair has started growing.  We love her!

On the way home we discovered a new location for coconut shrimp now that the Panda Buffet was sold in Hurricane.  It is the Beijing Buffet next to Staples on Bluff in St. George.  Willyne enjoyed everything she ate and so did I, yea!

Now it's time for home evening, so I'll catch you tomorrow!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Pictures (at least to me)

A pretty typical Sunday.  Weather was nice, blue skies, sunny, probably got near 60 degrees today.  Had church until 2, then visited with my mother and looked at a picture book Marnie put together for her.  Very nice, about half the pictures we hadn't seen before.  It was a nice visit.  Went home, had a little dinner, then went to choir practice with Willyne.  We visited John Wilson and Norene Gubler on the way home.  Cleaned up a computer to take to Willyne's mother tomorrow night, she is going to use it to work on PAF. 

Today was the day of rest from Terreeeblay, no news there.  Hope you enjoyed your Sunday too!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

More Wooden Wisdom

Here are my thoughts for today ...

Jesus said "A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin" Mark 6:2-4.May we truly appreciate Him!

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you". -John Wooden

Passion is a requirement for success!

Day 22 went well with my good buddy:

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Parable, Gaming Business Success, A Milestone, and Quaker Wisdom -- All In One Day!

Jesus asks concludes a parable in Mark 4:3-9 with the challenge "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear" What did He want us to hear?

On my tax and money blog today I explore another part-time business success story.  Can playing games and taking pictures after our day jobs are done really do anything but consume time and money?  Please join the conversation at:

Terreeeblay and I passed a milestone today, and had to deal with adversity.  I'm hoping you give me some of your personal keys to success in this endeavor at :

I will close for today with some wisdom from our Quaker friends:  "Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it."  (

Benjamin, I had to include this picture for you!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's Thursday the 13th!

Sounds like a good day to break out the first 2011 tax and money post:  There's some good pictures from a great New England photographer to spice things up ...

All the keep dad alive details of Day 20:

Beautiful words! Mark 1:11 "And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

Willyne had a dinner party with her movie group, served lasagna with her specialty homemade sauce.  House is smelling really good about now!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And on the 19th day the tortoise walked with terreeeblay,

I read Matthew 23-26 today.  It is truly a powerful testimony of Jesus Christ. 

I worked a lot, went to the temple, and watched the second half of the Jazz game with Doug Jr and Shaun Del Toro.  Then I worked some more.

I missed Jacob, Hilary, and Maude today.  I had arranged to go after Maude's 8 pm feeding and my 6 pm temple session, but when I got out there was a message waiting for me with a change of plans.  I'm sorry my afternoon appointment went long so I didn't get there earlier, and will look forward to Maude's wonderful smile tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1/11/11 - Maude's first full day on earth!

The highlight of my day was 10 minutes in NICU talking with Hilary while she held Maude and feeling Maude's sweet spirit.  There is something so precious and unique about a spirit that has just arrived from Heavenly Father, especially when she is clearly so at peace with her mother, her father, and her surroundings.

Jacob, Hilary, and Maude, thank you for sharing this with me!

Day 18 with Terreeeblay ...

Today's scripture is Matthew 22:36-40 ...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Maude!

She is beautiful, has a wonderful smile and a sweet cry.  She is long for her weight, 16 inches and 3 pounds 13 ounces.  Soooo light, yet very strong!  I love her!  Congratulations, Jacob and Hilary!

Day 17 was exciting also:

And a thought from the New Testament today ... Matt 14:28-33 Why I'm Thankful Peter Walked On Water

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It was a normal Sunday, which means it was restful in the sense that it is a change from the routine of the other days of the week -- but also means it was the busiest day of the week.

Sharon Wilson had lunch with us, it was leftovers from Hilary's baby shower yesterday.  Chicken - red grape - apple salad on croissants, strawberry jello pretzel salad, lemon pudding with mandarin oranges and cookie pieces, and homemade lemonade.  Yes, I just had one small plate with no seconds, so I was good.  The conversation was good as well.

Went to choir practice, helped Brother Maxwell with questions on how to allocate the ward budget to organizations on the church computer, this in addition to the normal block of meetings and leadership meetings.

Terreeeblay got his Sunday rest, but will be ready for Day 17 and an increase to a 16 minute walk tomorrow.

Weather was clear, sunny, in the 30s but cheerful.  A nice day.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Surprise For Becca

My visit to Terreeeblay came later in the day, for more details be sure to check this out: .  I admit The Terreeblay tale has pretty bland details most days, but if I do say so myself, this post is good for a smile or a laugh or both. 

I continued the New Testament reading challenge today and am at Matthew 18.  There are so many amazing concepts taught here.  I will try to re-read some of it as a Sunday activity tomorrow.  I didn't say any of them were new concepts, but I enjoy reading the teachings of Jesus Christ very much, so the second reading tomorrow will be a pleasure ...

This isn't your surprise, Becca, you'll have to look a wee bit more to find it, but I know you can do it.  I do want to give you props here for your latest Harry Potter endeavor.  Simply brilliant!

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Friday ...

Another day, another half mile, yea!

Read Alma 39 and 40 today.  The highlight for me was Alma 40:23,

"The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame."

I am very thankful that this is true!

And now, considering it's 9 pm on Friday and I'm still at work, I'll call this good for today :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Working Late (Seems Like I've Heard That Somewhere Before)

For those who like short, to the point, posts ... tonight is your night!

The tortoise keeps on walking ... our friend terreeeblay has the details if you'd like a blow by blow ...

The New Testament reading challenge continues to bless me.  I believe that Christ really is the solution to our challenges.  Please click on the link if you'd like to read my testimony of that.

The tortoise keeps on smiling ... passionately!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday, Willyne!

Had a quiet breakfast with Willyne at home.  Black bean tacos, very nice -- really! 

A little later I helped Willyne have some "facetime" on her new ipod with Rachel.

This gave me an idea, could we download Skype so that we could have something similar to facetime with those who have computers and webcams but not ipods.  So I got acquainted with the Apple "app store", where for the exciting price of $0.00 we were able to acquire this fine new application.

By 10:45 am we received a Skype call from the Ragozzines wishing Willyne a happy birthday.  It was so good that Chloe, and then Abigail called for encores!  Love it!

I also put out an internet message to any of my friends and associates who wanted to wish Willyne a happy birthday to send them back to me so I could compile them and "whisk them off to her".  She is a very loved lady, and I think she will enjoy reading these messages -- I've sent them now ...

I did do day 13 with my friend, all the good details are here...

I also read Alma 38, Ezekiel 39, and Matthew 9.    I particularly like Alma 38:9 and Ezekiel 39:8!

Happy Birthday, Willyne!  I love you!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How To Succeed "Best and Quickest"

Here's my thoughts and health report for today ...

If you're looking for a long term solution for loneliness that is guaranteed to work, try this consistently for 21 days and write back and tell me how you feel!

On day 12 I made it past the 5 mile mark (total) on my treadmill walks.  It really does feel good!  For a blow by blow of my day from a "keep dad alive" perspective, click here ...

And a closing thought from a man I respect,

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." ~Napoleon Hill~

Monday, January 3, 2011

Learned A New Game Tonight

It's January, so I'm starting to work more.  No big surprise, I know :)

So this post will basically give a very brief summary and send you to places you can get more information -- if you want it.

I increased my walk from 12 to 14 minutes daily, my intent is to stay at that level this week and go up again next week.  I'm also trying to be more careful about what I eat, and so I'm recording everything so that I can look back and specifically evaluate ways to improve.  If you are interested in these details, you are welcome to visit The Life and Times of Terreeeblay.  It is a work in progress, just remember that I'm the tortoise ...

Today was Day 2 of the 100 day New Testament reading challenge.  I really enjoy the Sermon on the Mount, so it was an easy reading day :)  If you're interested in my scripture reading journal, you can see there more about what I read and some of my thoughts about it.

We had Fred and Sue Thomas over for dinner and family home evening tonight.  Had a little gospel discussion, played Scrabble Slam (never heard of it before, but it is fun!) and bananagrams, and of course, dinner was delicious.  Very nice!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Different Kind of Walking (I Like It)

It being Sunday, my friend terreeeblay got to rest today.  I will continue with day 11 tomorrow, although actually it wasn't entirely restful, just a different kind of walking today.  Willyne taught the Relief Society lesson today, among other things she had a simple challenge "Not Even Once".  Not Even Once will I do something I know to be wrong, no matter how enticing nor how little it might seem to matter.  Even more importantly, Not Even Once will I miss the opportunity to do good, be it to pray daily, attend the temple regularly, give service, and so forth.  For about an hour and a half this afternoon, I helped her take this message, beautifully presented on blocks of wood, to the sisters that were sick or otherwise missed the opportunity to receive this in person.  I'm sure I walked at least as far as I would have on the treadmill, but for a better cause!

It was a quiet, busy day, as Sundays often are for Willyne and me.  I did get a chance to read and ponder the scriptures today, if you'd like to see my notes from that here's a link to my "I Believe" blog for today.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1.1.11 - Happy New Year!

It's 9 degrees and sunny in LaVerkin when this was taken around 10 am.  (It got up to 41 in the afternoon).  The Pine Valley mountains looked especially cold and white ...

Here's a video from our New Year's Eve celebration at home last night - who knew Doug Jr had these dance moves!

He was fun, Willyne's homemade egg rolls and root beer floats were delicious, and I'm still marvelling at the Waterford Crystal Ball at Times Square a year later -- dazzling, constantly changing colors for sure!

In other happenings today, Terr-eee-blay and I walked 0.44 miles in 12 minutes on a flat surface on Day 10. Series 2 total is 4.00 miles in 1 hour 52 minutes.

I was touched in my reading in Alma 34 and Ezekiel 34 today.  I did not finish the Old Testament in 2010, but I came close, and am determined to continue and complete it.  You can get a glimpse of what I read and a few thoughts about it here.