Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First African Christmas

"O Come, O Come Emanuel" by Tim Janis (on "Christmas Piano Collection") helps put me in the Christmas mood while walking with my friend.  Day 16 walked 1.16 miles on a flat surface burned 98.6 calories in 30 minutes. Weigh-in 272.0 pounds.

I had a real treat tonight.  Josh, Megan, Willyne, her mother, my mother, Ethan's grandfather Dennis, and me gathered at the Tuacahn High School auditorium to watch a first-class production of the "First African Christmas" ... by Ethan and lots of his classmates at Dayspring Montessori School.  If you didn't know these children's ages, you would believe it was the high school putting on this play.  He had his songs and dance moves memorized, so did everyone else.  They were enthusiastic, confident, and very excited to share this with all of us.  Willyne got some pictures ... thanks!

Thank you, Ethan, for your love and enthusiasm, and for inviting us to share this with you!

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Newest Pandora Station

Day 15 - 0.57 miles with my friend in 15 minutes on a flat surface, burned 48.6 calories. My newest Pandora station was a good companion :)  (It is a instrumental and choral holiday mix, let me know if you'd like a link to check it out ...)

 QuoteOfDay:"If we don't change direction,we will arrive at where we're going."-Richard L Evans @LDSGeneralConference,Apr1970 (so let's Check our Map Often!)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I Totally Agree!

I enjoyed my rest day from walking ... and continue with Day 15 of Monday to Saturday daily walks tomorrow ...

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, I enjoy your input and comments very much.  Today is a milestone of sorts, the 250th consecutive day I have written here.  I started to give my feelings about my cancer fight and to describe what I am doing about it, since then you have read my feelings on that and a wide variety of other subjects.  Thanks again...

The weather has made for poor driving conditions.  Becca went home yesterday to avoid most of it, thank goodness because it did hit with a vengeance today.  Benjamin went home a few hours earlier than he had planned to maximize daylight.  Even so, it took him 6 1/2 hours to make the drive to Orem (compared with 3 1/2 hours under normal conditions).  I have a truck driver client who postponed an appointment with me for tomorrow because he is stuck on Interstate 84 in Idaho until at least tomorrow morning.  I'm just glad Becca and Benjamin made it home OK!

I watched the new Hallmark Hall of Fame movie on CBS television with Willyne this evening.  It was called "Christmas in November" and was a great story of a family and community rallying to bring happiness to a young girl struggling with cancer.  Willyne remarked afterwards that this is the kind of good clean movie we wish we could see more of. 

I totally agree!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend means family, food, and football. The family and food were great. The football was mostly disappointing, but 2 out of 3 is good!

Got home late again, so kept the walk puno pete short--0.40 miles in 10 minutes on a flat surface friend. Day 14--at least I can say I did it, and I've been stiff today so that's saying something!

Good night!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Keeping On Keeping On - The Day After

Day 13 was back on my treadmill friend. 1.43 miles @ 2% grade in 30 minutes, burned 144 calories. Benjamin walked in halfway through to cheer me on, thanks!

Hanging with my boys watching Bama let Auburn back into the Iron Bowl. Was hoping for an upset but loving yelling at the screen with my sons!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010!

I'm going to let pictures do most of the work today ...

Thanksgiving (day 12) walk was with Josh and Benjamin, highly superior to my treadmill friend!  We walked 2.5 scenic miles in an hour on the LaVerkin Confluence Park trail.  It was a cold, windy morning -- I was thinking I would have to cancel the walk and stick with my treadmill friend instead, but it warmed up about noon!

We got home from the walk just in time for dinner.  One of the best Thanksgiving dinners ever for me.  Everyone had an assignment, so there was a wonderful variety - all full of flavor and beautiful to look at.  I had small helpings of everything to taste it all, yum!  We also really enjoyed talking and being together, sharing what we are thankful for.  

And we couldn't leave out Riley enjoying dessert!

Speaking of grandchildren, let's take a look outside for fun in the leaves after dinner!

To complete our day, we had the traditional first night of Christmas Lights for the season.  I love our nativity, thanks everyone for helping to make it!

I am so thankful for my wonderful family and the opportunity to share this Thanksgiving day with them!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


 QuoteOfDay:Moro7:47"charity is the pure love of Christ&it endureth forever-whoso possesseth it at the last day,it shall be well with him."

My note...we can only possess it by giving it freely. A most worthy quest of a lifetime.

 Day11 with my friend (at 4 am):1.41 miles@2% grade in 30 minutes.Burn 141 calories.Heart range93-120.Any nominations 4 a name for my treadmill friend?

I was on the road home by 6 am so I could beat the traffic out of SoCal.  Worked!  Very thankful for lots of things ... especially being home with family!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

4 Tweets and 2 Notes

QuoteOfDay-ThomasSMonson quoting Longfellow 2those who feel their best isnt enough:"Do your duty;that is best.Leave unto the Lord the rest."

President Monson then adds, “Should there be anyone who feels he is too weak to change the onward and downward course of his life, or should there be those who fail to resolve to do better because of that greatest of fears—the fear of failure—there is no more comforting assurance to be had than these words of the Lord: ‘My grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them’ [Ether 12:27]. 

“Miracles are everywhere to be found when priesthood callings are magnified. When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1999, 64–65; or Ensign, Nov. 1999, 50).

Big change 2day-food.Oatmeal,yogurt,boil egg,banana breakfast.10 almonds 4snack.Lunch ElPolloLoco thigh&breast,rice&boiled pintos.No dinner.

Not bad for the road. :)

I loved the way I felt after eating that lunch.

Day 10 for the tortoise on the treadmill.1.40 miles @2%grade in 30 minutes.Heart range 94-116.No calorie reading.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Another Day, Another (1.39) Mile

Here I am with my special shirt visiting my friend the treadmill.  When I was down getting my oatmeal, yogurt, and hard boiled eggs this morning, I was in my treadmill attire and a young fellow said "Excuse me, sir, I love your shirt, can I take a picture of it?"  His friends laughed, but he took the picture anyway ... (We wouldn't want that count of one bean not to be audited, would we?).  After that experience, I had to take this picture for me and Rachel ...

Day 9 results on the friendly treadmill, 1.39 miles @ 2% grade in 30 minutes, burned 139 calories, heart rate range 99-127.  Evenings are tough, but we have to do what it takes. 

This Elder Wirthlin quote touched me today.  "When prayer gets routine, step back and think.  Meditate for awhile on the things for which you are really grateful."  I liked it enough to go in more detail in my "I Believe" blog today.  Please click and read it there.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Surprise For Becca

I was a BYU student when the Carillon Bell Tower was built and dedicated.  It rings out the hours, generally preceded by a portion of a hymn such as Come, Come Ye Saints.  When I got news of the latest "guest song", I knew I had to share it with Becca!

I have a day of rest today from walking, being Sunday.  Day 9 is on tap for tomorrow ...

I was touched by the Tabernacle Choir today in addition to the carillon bells, touched enough to write about it in my I Believe blog.  Please click here to read (and also see and hear) about that!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Embracing Your Inner Nerd

Quote of the day.."I just gave up and embraced my inner nerd" - Emma Watson in USA Today commenting on her feelings portraying Hermoine Granger. 

Day 8 ... walked 1.38 miles, burned 134 calories, pulse range 93 to 116.  First 6 minutes no grade (then I remembered), remaining 24 minutes @ 2%.  Morning walks are best, glad to be back there today!

Just saw another great quote, now that it's after 9 pm, that is going to give Ms. Watson a run for her money ...  "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy.  Reminds me of the Gandhi quote I liked so much that I wrote about it twice this year, on May 6 (look at the bottom) and September 9.

Tell you what, I'll let the people decide ... the polls are now open, type a comment and tell me which quote deserves to be the quote of the day, and why.  Can't wait to see the diversity of your answers ...

Benjamin, your turn to be featured on the blog ... not once but twice in one post!  First, we have a picture just for you ... OK, maybe this reminds me as much of Rachel as you, but Mr. Steamed Zucchini, look at this great lunch I ate on day eight ... steamed rice with mushroom chicken and chop suey vegetables.  That was a follow up to breakfast that was a cup of oatmeal with a cup of peach yogurt and 2 hard boiled eggs.  Hey, I may be on the road, but I'm trying pretty hard to be good!

The turkey tie is a nice touch too, don't you think (even if I am purposely headless here) ... which leads us to Benjamin item 2 ... check out this picture that makes me think of the astronomy pictures of the day that you like to post.  (Click here to see it, it is worth it ...)  It may not be a picture of space, instead these are pictures FROM space!  I'm thinking London looks pretty good from space, and you get the green northern lights in the same shot -- wow!

I will conclude today's post with props to guest blogger Joshua K. Beecher, who volunteered to write this well-thought out piece for my tax and money blog.  It was published today, be sure to go give it a read.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wait Til Next Year!

Being a Lakers fan in the 1960s was like being a Cubs fan anytime in the past century. 

I'm beginning to wonder if those of us who root for Hurricane High Tiger football are in the same boat.  Our family has lived here 18 years now.  We moved here shortly after HHS moved from 2A to 3A.  It had success in state championships at the 2A level, but for several years struggled as a school barely half the size of the bigger 3A schools it now competed with.

Coach Homer has done a good job with these young men, first getting them to the state playoffs regularly, then guiding them to advance ever deeper in the playoffs.  Today was the third year in a row they have played in the state championship game, all three times against Juan Diego, a relatively new Catholic school in southern Salt Lake County.  Once again they lost in the final seconds of the game.

Wait Til Next Year!  But we better hurry.  Now we are flirting with enough enrollment to need to move to 4A.  As Doug Jr. says, deja vu 2.

Day 7 ... the walk came at the end of the day rather than the beginning.  I had to drive this morning at walking time, which forced walking by determination at sleep time.  I did 1.36 mi at 2% grade, burning 137 calories in 30 min.  I was on a different treadmill today, this one also records your pulse.  Early in the walk it was 97 and gradually increased, peaking at 119.

I read some more Alma 7 today, wanted to ponder it more deeply.  Also listened to Jeremiah 27-30.  It set a good tone for the day.

I will close with a political thought that may surprise some of you.  Much has been said about the U.S. House of Representatives voting no to a 3-month extension of unemployment benefits from November 30 to February 28, reportedly for 4 million people whose benefits are about to expire just in time for the holidays. 

I think they made a mistake, a bigger mistake even than just the 4 million people in question right now.  I don't think there should be a limit on unemployment benefits.  What!?!  Wouldn't that motivate people to stay on unemployment forever?  Here's the rest of my thought.  No time limit, but no free lunch either.  If you are on unemployment you have to choose from three options and report on those options weekly to continue receiving benefits.  You could choose one or more of these options, and you would be expected to work on them full time -- (1) actively searching for a job, (2) public service employment (building infrastructure, or cleaning highways, public restrooms, and similar projects), and (3) maintaining an acceptable performance level in a retraining program leading to qualifying for work in a new field for those whose former jobs have been permanently eliminated by industry changes.

How would I pay for it?  Not by borrowing.  Let me answer how I would pay for it by sharing an experience.  Many of you have heard my story of crossing a picket line of my teachers daily for the last month of my high school senior year in 1970 in Los Angeles.  I was told I would not graduate if I didn't and I bought the lie.  (Hundreds of my classmates spent that month at the beach and were at graduation with me a few days after the strike was settled.)  The school district claimed it could not afford raises, they had already cut out one period of school and some other education programs (music for many of the students for example) for the year before this strike.  Come to find out, the district had more non-teaching employees on the payroll than teachers.  Something like 26,000 administrative folks supporting 25,000 teachers in a district of 800,000 students as I remember it.  I understand the buildings and lawns need to be maintained (actually they needed more maintenance than they got), and a team of people was needed to order the millions of books used by the district. 

Still there were too many chiefs and not enough indians.  I know this is true in the federal government as well.  And the chiefs have a great pay and benefit package.  I wouldn't cut the number of chiefs, at least not on the first pass.  Instead, I would cut their pay 10% by staggering one unpaid day off every two weeks (different people off each day). 

If you have a better idea, bring it. I for one would be interested in what you have to say.  And thanks for reading clear to the end of this post.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another Busy Day ... But I Did Walk

This was one of those days where it seemed like I had a deadline every hour all day long.  Got to it all, met the deadlines.  Some I would have liked to have done more on, but I did get it all done for which I am thankful.  I am exhausted, so I'm going to report my walk by copying my tweet from this morning on it and get some zzz's ...

Day 6 walk, did 1.34 miles on treadmill. Forgot to set grade first 3 minutes, then 2% remaining 27 min. Burned 134.7 calories. Feeling good!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some Favorite Verses

Alma is teaching the people of Gideon in chapter 7.  Verses 22-25 are among my favorites in all the scriptures, on a previous reading of the Book of Mormon I liked them well enough to memorize them.  I hope you like them as well as I do ...

"And now my beloved brethren, I have said these things unto you that I might awaken you to a sense of your duty to God, that ye may walk blameless before him, that ye may walk after the holy order of God, after which ye have been received.

"And now I would that ye should be humble, and be submissive and gentle; easy to be entreated; full of patience and long-suffering; being temperate in all things; being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times; asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.

"And see that ye have faith, hope, and charity, and then ye will always abound in good works.

"And may the Lord bless you, and keep your garments spotless, that ye may at last be brought to sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the holy prophets who have been ever since the world began, having your garments spotless even as their garments are spotless, in the kingdom of heaven to go no more out."

The tortoise made it to day 5 ... a 1.30 mile walk at 2% grade in 30 minutes. Burned 133.9 calories. Thanks for your support!   It is not getting easier, but I can feel it doing good things inside me.

I'm still playing catch up from losing the server hard drive, but passed a major threshhold today--the client invoice files are all pretty much restored.  I was supposed to go to California for the week Monday evening to see 8 clients, this was one of several reasons I waited.  Right now it is looking like tomorrow evening for the trip down.  I am quite relieved to cross this one line off my to do list!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eye Candy at Lunch

Life defining thought in today's reading, "...Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time ... That ye have been sufficiently humble? Behold, are ye stripped of pride? I say unto you, if ye are not ye are not prepared to meet God. Behold ye must prepare quickly; for the kingdom of heaven is soon at hand, and such an one hath not eternal life...." - Alma 5:27-28 

Read that a few times and it will really impact you ...

Day 4 ... I walked 1.29 miles at a 2% grade in 30 minutes, burned 132.6 calories on the treadmill.

Had a great lunch with Josh at my favorite place  ... home with Willyne.  Here are some pictures!

Willyne made her first batch of homemade bread with her Bosch machine.  It was with a wheat-white blended flour.  She also made a pot of lentils with Polish sausage and pineapple upside down cake to go with it.  It's a good thing the treadmill is my friend, because that was an outstanding lunch!  It also pleased the eye and filled the whole house with wonderful aromas.  And other than the sausage, all from food storage.  As Becca would say, brilliant!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thoughts on Inner Beauty

I continued reading in Alma 5 this morning, and found some interesting thoughts about receiving the image of God in our countenances as part of the true change that comes with being spiritually born of God.  I wrote about it further in my I Believe blog if you are interested.

I also spent another 30 minutes with my friend the treadmill, did 1.27 miles at 2% grade, burned 131.8 calories.  I'm happy with the gradual progress.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Resting on Sunday

I'm resting today, this will be short.  I read this by President Uchtdorf from Conference today, and enjoyed it all over again.  I think you'll like it too: 

 Of Things That Matter Most http://t.co/KweLZ86

Time to smell the roses and be kinder to each other, just in time for the holidays.  Love it!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

30 More Minutes With My Friend and other Musings

 Day 2 for the passionately smiling tortoise - 1.21mi, 126.5 cal, 2% grade in 30 minutes.

Here's an article I found interesting:  http://ldsliving.com/story/62737-how-americas-view-of-mormons-has-changed

We've come a long ways since the days when I had to convince investigators in England that we weren't there to steal their daughters and smuggle them in our tunnel under the ocean to Salt Lake City to make them our polygamous wives.  I didn't even have much success appealing to their sense of logic ... how do you think we were able to dig such a tunnel ...

We also still have a long ways to go, but we're up for a challenge right?

A half cup of Haagen-Dazs raspberry sorbet has intense flavor and is amazingly satisfying when craving a treat.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Treadmill Is My Friend

I need to keep telling myself this.  I know it is true, but I like walking in the fresh air.  I will keep telling myself that the treadmill is my friend.

It is 7:51 am.  Earlier this hour I completed a 30 minute visit with my friend.  According to the glowing red indicators of its console, I walked 1.16 miles at a 2% incline, burning 123.4 calories.  I'm not sure of my friend's level of accuracy, and will be recording statistics not because I love numbers (I can hear you all laughing now), and not because I believe them to be absolute truth, but as a guide to compare performance from one day to the next and to measure consistency.  Obviously I am hoping for steady consistent performance (I am the passionately smiling tortoise, after all) and for gradual improvement.

You may not be impressed with a pace of 2.32 miles per hour, if that is indeed correct.  Regardless, I can feel up and down my body that I did something good.  I'm going to get in the shower, head to work, and be happy!

Here I am at the office taking a picture of my breakfast of champions.  It was intended to be lunch, but I'm concerned the smell of salmon will linger in the refrigerator if I store it there until lunch.  And this actually looks very good to me, even at breakfast time.  The bread is from Great Harvest by the way, yum, yum!  So I am eating this now while reading scriptures, and will have my oatmeal breakfast for lunch.  Sounds good to me!

I read Alma 4 and 5.  Alma 5 is quite a testimony.  I am thinking I will read it again tomorrow.  I am also very impressed.  Here is a man who is truly more concerned with God than with man.  He steps down from his elected office as leader of his country and watches another get elected in his place.  This so he can travel throughout the country bearing his testimony and preaching the Gospel of Christ.  We should be so blessed today.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

El Padre's Random Thoughts

I still like that title, thought it was appropriate for today, one of those days when nothing spectacular is happening and I have a variety of seemingly unconnected thoughts and experiences ...  This blog post will be a work in progress today.  I will come back and post more later, but here's where I'm at as of 8:15 am...

I read Alma 3 and also Chapter 23 in the Book of Mormon Institute Manual, which covers Alma 1-4.  I am very thankful for the Institute manuals.  There is a lot of wonderful teaching in Alma, but I will confess to never seeing that much in the stories of Nehor and Amlici in previous readings, and it really wasn't different this time either.  Please go read Chapter 23.  I am amazed how much our current apostles and prophets have to say about these four chapters of Alma that specifically apply to us and the current challenges each of us are facing.

I am also up to Jeremiah in the Old Testament.  Mostly I am listening to it on CDs while driving.  Most of Isaiah I listened to twice because it was so deep.  I have been blessed with a greater appreciation of the Old Testament this year and have been blessed by reading, listening, and studying the two Institute manuals for that book of scripture.  I do talk about the Book of Mormon more, but wanted to bear testimony of the Old Testament also.

I have a link to Blair and Betty Jane Pack's missionary blog in the list of blogs I follow.  It is wonderful.  As you read it you feel like you are in Santiago, Chile experiencing their daily missionary life and their testimonies with them.  I hope you have already discovered it.  If you haven't yet, there is a real treat waiting for you!

I stuck my head out the door considering a walk at 6 am.  It was 35 degrees and windy.  Guess I'm hoping for a little better conditions as the day progresses.  I know that's risky, but I promise to go walk today and tell you about it.


A little later today I picked up the November General Conference issue of the Ensign and read "Reflections of a Consecrated Life" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles while eating (drinking a kefir shake).

I especially feel the presence of the Spirit during General Conference.  I know that the Spirit is bearing witness that what is being said is true and is of great importance in my life.  As soon as I began reading this talk, that same strong presence of the Spirit came.  I wish I could always have it at that intensity, but know part of the test of life is to see what we will do at all times and in all places.  Still we can do more to keep the Spirit with us. 

We commit to live the Law of Consecration every time we do a temple endowment session.  It is a powerful, all-encompassing, life changing law.  Like all of God's laws, when we follow it we are immediately blessed and still in the Lord's debt (see King Benjamin's teachings in Mosiah).  But it requires faith to follow God's laws, particularly one that asks us to give all.  It is not easy, but is infinitely rewarding.

Elder Christofferson explains five aspects of the Law of Consecration in his talk.  I thought I understood this law before, but do much more clearly now.  I have my work cut out for me!

Remember ... return with honor (see Elder and Sister Pack's latest blog post for more on that) and no empty chairs!  Please read this talk enough times to internalize it and use it as one of your guideposts in life.  I know you will return with honor if you do!  I promise to do the same.


It warmed up to about 50 degrees at mid-day, still quite windy but very clear.  You wouldn't know it to look at this picture.  I was attempting to capture the long row of flags on the homes of LaVerkin's Main Street for Veterans Day today.  92 years ago today at 11 o'clock World War I came to an end.  To all Veterans who have given the ultimate service to each of us in this great country we call home ... Thank you very much!


Now for the bogus part.  I did go for a walk.  It was for five minutes.  I can blame it on the wind but I don't want to.  I am at day 233 on this blog, I am very thankful I have made it that far.  I will make sure to walk every day but Sunday too and look forward to reporting consecutive day 233 on walking.  The tortoise wants to be living a productive life 30+ years into the future, and walking is one of the key elements to make that happen.  Yes I am writing to talk myself into this.  I have pep talks with myself every day.  Hope you do too :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Visiting Dr Carter

As you may know, I was diagnosed with high lipids at the same time four years ago that I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  We talk more about the cancer, and I see doctors more often about it, but I do take 5 mg of crestor every day to try to reduce the lipids, and this is one of the reasons I try to be careful about what I eat and to go on long walks as often as possibly, preferably daily.

Anyway, I have been getting checked yearly for this, and we're back around to it being time again, so I had an appointment with Dr. Carter today.  As a side note, Mel and Darin are cousins -- so I want all you Ragozzines out there to know he asked about you today and was glad to know all four of you are doing well.

Lipids include such things as cholesterol and triglycerides.  Four years ago my cholesterol was 320, compared with a target of 150.  I have gotten this down some, to 270, but I need to do more.  I don't remember the triglycerides number he gave me, but that one has gone up somewhat.  I was also tested for diabetes to see if that is helping cause these high readings.  No, I don't have diabetes, that is a relief.

I would just as soon not write this entry and try to work this through on my own.  But I know you care and I appreciate this very much.  The existence of the "Keep Dad Alive ..." blog is because of your care.  I will be on 10 mg of crestor now instead of 5, and will strive harder to get my daily walks in.  I love to walk.  It makes me feel as good inside as eating scrubbers.  All I can say is many people depend on me, and many days I talk myself out of walking because of the needs of that day.  I know this is not good thinking and will increase my efforts again. 

I will also be back for a follow-up check on this in three months instead of a year.  So I will report back then on how I am doing.

Thanks for caring.  It means everything to me.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Enjoyed Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams put on a great concert in the Cox Auditorium tonight. It's just him, his guitar, a harmonica, and a great piano player but he's everywhere with it.  Last night was Reno, tomorrow night is Grand Junction, the next night is ... you get the idea.  He was in El Paso a month ago, the nearest tour review I found to ours was there.  Our experience was pretty much the same, which means good.  I don't go to many concerts, but when I do, I find I didn't realize that artist did as many songs I recognize as I thought -- and I like their music better than I thought I would.  Reminded me of the old crank up the volume, roll down the windows to finish so many of my late night drives of the 90s.  He did all the ladies' favorites too :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mosiah and My Testimony

I started my day today with some reading, pondering, and praying that deeply touched my soul.  I have written of this experience in my blog, I Believe.  Please click here and continue reading with me today at that blog.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thanks for the Invite!

Josh and Megan invited us over for dinner and a couple Garfield movies after church today.  Great to enjoy good food and to laugh together!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Link to My Tax and Money Blog

I post my latest entry to my tax and money blog on alternate Saturdays ... which includes today.  So I'm going to let that post be my entry here today as well, please join me here to continue reading.  As for me, well I'm at the office working some more on the invoices file and I have a date with my sweet tonight that I'm looking forward to.  Willyne invited me to watch the movie Secretariat with her at the local theater.  So I'm going to get my work done so I'll be ready to go!

PS - It was a great night.  It was great being with Willyne.  It was great feeling her excitement.  I was excited myself.  This is a story about never, never, never giving up (Winston Churchill would have been proud) no matter what the obstacles are. Disney does a great job of telling the story.  We were both glad we went.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Tough Friday

I wanted to clean up the invoice file from our computer woes a few weeks ago, and get everything ready so Willyne can help get the current month invoices out.  If I'm really lucky I can get it done today and tomorrow in two long, effective days.

My clients had different ideas.  You know that saying "Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"?  That was a partial description of my day, which included an inquiry from a former client who moved from one state to another in 2007 -- now the state moved to says taxes were done wrong, so of course I need to drop everything and fix it (if indeed I actually made a mistake ... we shall see), it also included the usual assortment of cash management issues which would result in stranded employees of a client in a distant city unless I could unravel it.

Bottom line.  I did what I had to so that I could move on to what I had determined to do today.  After all, we need to collect from someone to keep operating, don't we!  So I had two work days, the before and after, with a one hour break in between to eat some ice cream slowly, enjoy talking to Josh, and generally settle my stomach so I could begin the second work day.

It worked.  I had a great afternoon and evening and got a lot done!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Such a Fine Sight to See

Read one of my favorite verses today, Mosiah 27:29, in which Alma the Younger describes how he felt after his three day miraculous change of heart.  I had an investigator quote it to me in Ilford (near East London) -- it is wonderful when you hear it that way!

Ended my day with a walk with Willyne.  The highlight of my day.  As the Eagles would sing ... she's "such a fine sight to see".

I saw Dr. Richards today and have great news to share ... my PSA score is the lowest yet, 0.02.  I need more fiber to help deal with my stomach issues, and we can deal with that, but yea for tender mercies from Heavenly Father and good medical treatment!  I go back in February for another update ...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lots of Items at City Council Tonight

City council had a full agenda tonight.  We started with a presentation from the Utah National Guard thanking our city for its support.  They showed us this video about what it is like for a family to say goodbye when one of their own is deployed.

We invited them to be in our Winterfest parade and to take part in the program afterwards.  It remains to be seen if the details can be worked out in a month -- Winterfest is Saturday, December 4 -- but can you imagine a tank decorated with Christmas lights going down Main Street?

We went on to
  • a public hearing on a community development block grant we are applying for
  • pass a follow-up resolution again supporting the Hurricane to Zion Canyon Transit study.  (What we have out of it so far is studies showing a bus service would have high usage, which is quite encouraging for rural transit)
  • approve a contract to purchase fireworks for Winterfest
  • correct a resolution passed in the last meeting on putting in 400 more feet of sidewalk on the highway
  • pass a resolution approving three related cooperative agreements for a geologic hazards study along state highway 9 between La Verkin and Zion Park (we wouldn't want those colorful rocks falling on the highway)
  • discussed possible changes to the vacation policy for city employees (such as putting a limit on how much vacation you can carry forward, we are leaning towards preferring use in the year earned and requiring use within two years)
  • supported a joint letter of commitment to the Hurricane Valley Fire District to be jointly signed by the mayors of La Verkin, Toquerville, and Virgin
  • heard reports on ...
  1. Economic development (it is official.  Maverik has bought the Chevron station and is taking over December 1.  The property that Maverik owns across the street and was going to build on will be sold and used for something besides a convenience store.  Sad part is Arbys has also been bought by Maverik and will be closed--Maverik wants you to buy their sandwiches.  Also, two new groups are in talks to resume work on building a hotel after two years of delays.)
  2. Wood chips have been removed from Zion View Park, a new surface will now be installed by the play equipment.
  3. Grass has been planted on the two acres where Kent's used to be.
  4. Winterfest event schedule
  5. An update from the committee that is studying what to do with "The Old White Church".  (Patty Bracken is doing good work on this committee).
  6. Beautification Committee will be awarding prizes for best Christmas lights in four categories at the city Christmas Eve program.  Judging will be done shortly after December 13.
  7. We had record turnout for the election yesterday -- 57.6% of registered voters.
  8. Katie Wilson has been on the job 1 1/2 weeks and is a quick learner.  Kyle Gubler and Troylinn Benson both praised her good quick start.  Her first night taking minutes was one of the longer meetings we have had recently -- 3 hours.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Voted ... In A Way I Have Never Done Before

I don't think I am alone in this.  First of all, there are steady lines at the polling places, all day long.  For example, this is the view waiting in line to vote at my polling place in La Verkin at 10 this morning -- a time I chose because I thought the line would be shorter, and I suspect it was ...

So what is different this time?  For me, I've finally reached my limit with voting for the lesser of the evils.  I'm tired of hearing about "the failed policies of (insert name of immediate past leader)".  They are all failed policies.  The following article comes close to expressing what I am talking about, please take a minute to read it, then humor me by coming back for a wrap-up thought.  Thanks.

Here's the Real Reason Independents Have Turned Against the Democrats - CNBC

I would take it one step farther than this article did.   If someone or some organization donates a large sum to your campaign, you become beholden to them at some level.  This includes a political party.  Up until now, if you wanted any hope of getting elected, you had to hold your nose if necessary, and choose one of the parties to affiliate with.  As soon as you did, you were then expected to vote their way most of the time.  So who are you going to represent really?  Big business?  Big government?  Big labor?  Special interest group (fill in the name)?  Or the actual people of your district or state?  (Remember that if it is too big to fail, whatever it is, it is too big.  Period. So let's do something about that rather than perpetuate it)

There were a number of multi-county or statewide races on the ballot today.  For once, I really tried to vote for people, not parties.  One person I voted for was affiliated with one party, another person was with another party.  And I will be watching those people if they are elected.  If they aren't independent enough, they won't get my vote next time.  As many times as possible, I tried to give the nod to "unaffiliated".  I don't think an alternative party is the answer either.

Call me crazy if you like.  Or join me.  If enough of us do, we just might achieve a dream of having county, state, and national elections be like local and school board elections -- nonpartisan.

I'm really interested in the results this time around.  Hopefully those who get elected will realize that they were elected to represent people rather than any particular party.  Hopefully.  Until then, I'll continue passionately smiling to the end ...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Another deadline day ... Beautiful and sunny ... Had a walk-in rush job that had nothing to do with the quarterly deadline but had their own deadline. We worked it in, yea! ... Went for an afternoon walk about 4 pm. Don't know how far in miles, but I do know it was 12 1/2 Hurricane blocks in 25 minutes. It helped me keep going at work ... Also read Mosiah 22-24. Limhi, Alma, and their people have finally made it safely back to Zarahemla. I know they were happy. I'm still getting the Willie Handcart Company e-mails, on this day in 1856 they were now 8 days from the Valley, and things were gradually improving after the horrific experiences of the previous week at Rocky Ridge. Humbles me every year when I read it again.