Saturday, October 2, 2010

General Conference, Marathon, Food, Football, Pool Moving - Lots Happening Today!

Started the day at Grandmother Floryne's house watching conference.  President Monson, Elder Holland, and Elder Christopherson were all great.  President Uchtdorf was the concluding speaker, and amont other things quoted Leonardo Da Vinci, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".  I'm going to have to go back and study all of the talks in this session carefully, they were great.

Next came the St. George Marathon, I'll let the videos and pictures do the talking for that:

They did GREAT!

Doug, Doug, Josh, Benjamin, and Jacob later enjoyed dinner at Texas Roadhouse before going to Priesthood Meeting.  Well, make that everyone except Doug Jr.  I should have taken a picture of his chicken fried bread crumbs -- seeing would have been believing.  Next time, Doug, try the pulled pork and barbeque ribs ...  :)

Priesthood featured the MTC Choir, Elder Nelson talking about boldness in doing missionary work, President Uchtdorf revisiting President Benson's classic on avoiding pride, and President Monson emphasizing the vital importance of  not giving into pressure to do something "just once". 

We came home, settled in to watch the recorded Florida-Alabama football game.  Just as we're getting into it, at 9:20 pm, come the guys to remove the pool on their trailer.  Couldn't believe when they decided to do it. 

The game itself was a blowout, but we always like to be together and talk, so at least that was good.  Sorry, Gators.  There is always Atlanta in December for redemption, but better start practicing now.  You can do it but it won't be easy.


  1. Love the videos! Hadn't seen those, thanks for sharing, and the support :)

  2. You're very welcome! It was so good to see you!!!
