Monday, October 11, 2010

If A Cluttered Desk Is A Sign Of A Cluttered Mind, An Empty Desk Is A Sign Of ...

... I'm not sure!  But I'd sure like to find out!

Or more precisely, I'd like to have a clean, organized desk and have that be a sign of a clean, organized mind.

I have two desks in my office.  One is now completely clean, with a final push tonight from Willyne.  (Thank you very, very much!!!)  You can see the other desk.  After days of effort, I now have five of six segments of the front of it clean.  This represents taking the time to put every piece of paper where it goes, which means looking at every piece of paper and deciding what should be done with it.  (Fear not, the large round file with wheels on the bottom (read dumpster), which holds the papers destined for the shredder, got a very sizable donation!)

You will note I said the front of the desk.  The back still needs to be done, as do several boxes underneath and at the side of the desk.  But I have done what I can for this week.  Now I will work on deadlines for several days, and revisit this again this coming weekend.

Rachel, you get another shout out here, because ten days ago you saw what this looked like.  Sarah, you do too, because Rachel tried to convince me that I should bring you out and put you in charge of this project -- you apparently LOVE doing this.  :)

Enough of that, I will close with a link to this fortnight's tax and money blog entry.  I got too wound up with computer maintenance to post the link here Saturday (although I finished writing the entry Friday morning).  So.... you get it now. Please clieck here to visit that blog and see the new entry.


  1. El Padre that is crazy awesome!!! You should have taken a before and after picture. Having just cleansed some myself I know how much effort that took. I love a clean space, not as much as Sarah, but your office looks so good. Can't wait to see the updated picture once you get a chance to work on the back. I'm still working on the to do list Sarah left me ... :)

  2. Rachel sent me an email saying I needed to come check out this post- I have to admit, it gave me a warm tingly!!! :) I LOVE ORGANIZATION!!! It is a heck of a project, but feels SOOOOO good when it is done- just like repentance! And you can think and breathe easier with it gone. GO DAD GO (and a big shout out to MOM b/c I know she was a major part in this!!!).

  3. Big smiles, thanks for the love and support!

    (My desk is a magnet for paper, so this really is a big deal)
