Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Invitation Only Arrives

Thank for sticking with me through this change to readers by invitation.  As I mentioned on August 25, I am working on two new blogs that I am about to launch that I am going to ask friends of friends to read.  That caused me to want to limit the readers of this blog to people I know well.

Blogger only lets you send invitations at the moment you make te decision to limit readers to those you have invited, this is why the invitations did not go out until tonight ... but I have sent them now to those I know have expressed interest at some point in time.  I am willing to consider additional invitations, please let me know by e-mail to if you would like to suggest someone to receive an invitation that I didn't know was reading or was interested.

I'll be back to regular passionately smiling tortoise content tomorrow, have a good day and thanks again for your friendship and support.