Sunday, October 2, 2011

We Love Conference Sunday at Grandma's (and Grandpa's) HouseJJ

Ethan leads us in singing the rest hymn

Hilary and Maude are excited!

What Would Life Be Without Grandma Doing Hand Sewing?

Jacob's Production Company Is Official!

Josh and Megan want to see what color Kate is using in her conference coloring book!

Riley, Chloe, and Abigail are happily listening

What would Conference Sunday  be without Grandma's Breakfast Feast?

Ethan, Riley, and Doug choose the outdoor breakfast seating

Sarah's brilliant idea:  Put up key words and let children put stickers when they hear one.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Love The Holy Temple

I did an endowment for Joe Raulerson in the 8:15 session this morning. Joe is one of Willyne's ancestors. she and her mother Floryne did his research.  What a blessing to go to the temple for him today.

This was my first time in the Redlands Temple. I love the spirit here and in all temples. I love the local scenes that are so skillfully painted here, and in many of the temples.

I often like reading the scriptures and praying after a temple session.  The scriptures were all in use today, so I pondered our stake theme carefully ...

"Organize yourselves, prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of God.

"O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all of your heart, might, mind, and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.

"Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work:  To warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite all to come unto Christ."

There is so much meaning, and so much good counsel, in every word and every phrase.  And the temple is just to place to ponder that!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Time For Some (Fantasy) Football! (can you hear the music yet?)

It was fun and very interesting to watch the chief be in action on draft night ... and to help him just a little with his strategy.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to the Hospital too soon

This morning I realized another good reason to go to the temple weekly on Fridays.  If I have a week I just can't do that, I have one more day I can still go to the temple before the week ends.  Willyne helped me get to the 6 am session today.  It was a wonderful uplift and I thank her!  (week 4)

I read Ezekiel 39 and 3 Nephi 17 while at the temple.  I like reading there, it makes it feel all the better...

Willyne and I visited Pepper Slater in the hospital again today.  The results came in from his tests.  Bone cancer head to toe.  We haven't had a chance to grieve fully for Boyd yet, now this.  Life can be hard for sure, but I'm glad I went with Willyne to see them.

Here are links to my eating, walking, and listening while walking ...

Jesus lives! And we can help Him help us.

The tortoise is smiling.  It is taking a little effort.  But he is definitely smiling and thankful for his blessings.

Friday, August 19, 2011

It Is Great To Be Together!

Today's reading Ezekiel 38 and 3 Nephi 15-16.  My thoughts are at:

Doug Jr. walked with me today!  Details and pictures at: Doug liked it so much he wants to come back next Friday morning between 6:30 and 7 am to walk through La Verkin's part of Confluence Park with me.  Josh is going to join us too.  This is going to be great!  (Anyone else out there in the family want to do this?  - if you'd like a sneak preview here is a map and some pictures: )

We are gathering for one final family weekend before the Bostonians head home.  It is great to be together!

The tortoise is smiling!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Jackson Girls Love Uncle Doug

Not sure how anything I could write could top this picture!

Willyne and I visited Pepper Slater in the hospital today.  To say he is not doing well is an understatement, but  he is in good spirits and has lots of family support there.  I was very glad to see that!

I read Ezekiel 37 today.  There is a lot there and I read it slowly and carefully.  This chapter includes the famous prophecy that one day the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph would become one ... I think of that often when opening my scriptures that has the Bible and the Book of Mormon (as well as the Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price) in one zippered case.

I started on my second hundred miles today by walking up the Bracken's hill and also up the Davis' hill ... read all about it at

The tortoise is smiling!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fixing Roads, Setting City Priorities, and I Would Walk 100 Days

Well after making it to 94 consecutive non-Sabbath days of walking and stumbling after April 9, I have made it to 100 days this time!  Several of you know how much I enjoy the quirky sound and the persistence illustrated in what I call the "500 mile song", so give me 3 1/2 minutes, substitute "100 days" in your mind every time you hear "500 miles", click on the arrow in the picture above (and possibly click again if Vevo  makes you watch it directly on YouTube), and enjoy!  (P.S. I walked 153 miles (and change) during this 100 days, so that makes Doug the winner in the "will Dad make it to 100 days or 100 miles first?" competition.)

You can read more details of today's walking (and eating) at:

I guess today is a typical day of what it took to get this done.  I had city council tonight.  We heard a detailed presentation by the city engineer of what it will take to fix 100 East, particularly the block between Center Street and 100 South where the McKell, Jones, Earl, Price, and other families have been impacted by the last attempt (nearly 20 years ago) to fix the drainage and other issues on this street).  I have a copy of the detailed plans if any of you are interested -- I think we are close to figuring out how to do it, and it hasn't been easy because of the narrow right-of-way and steep slopes involved.  We also had a work session to update our priorities on projects to continue work improving our streets, irrigation water system, and other long-term projects.  It was a good meeting, the city moves ahead at a tortoise pace, but a steady one, and I am glad to be a participatator as my children's grandmother Forsyth would say.

The year is rapidly flying by as they all seem to do, and I have continuing education requirements to meet.  After city council I finished a 16 hour course online and put a good dent in what is needed for the year.  This included passing a 40 question test at 93%.  (Minimum to pass was 85%).

Then, and only then, would I let myself relax by doing the 100th walk ...

I continued reading today, Ezekiel 36 and 3 Nephi 14.

The tortoise is smiling!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lots of Hepworths Swimming!

Starting again ... day 1 ... I read Ezekiel 33 and 3 Nephi 11 on Saturday.  Sunday got away from me.  I could make excuses because of church meetings, giving help to the Hepworth family, and more.  Then I got tired and went to sleep, forgetting about it.  I am sorry.  This is why I am so vigilant about walking, and it is why I have started recording consecutive days of reading and weeks of temple attendance.  It seems to help me be consistent.

So, today, day 1, I read Ezekiel 34, 3 Nephi 12, and the sections of the Institute manuals on each.  3 Nephi 12 begins the Sermon on the Mount given by the Savior to the Nephites.  It is compared to Matthew 5, but there are subtle differences that add meaning in Nephi's account of the Sermon.  The Institute manual points these out, and I will again recommend that you download it (for free) at

Walking continued too ... please visit

The tortoise is smiling!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Boyd Hepworth's Funeral

These were great pictures of Boyd and his family

Today was occupied in preparing for the funeral, attending it, then helping with the food and the cleanup. I think we got home about 6, just in time for the extended Beecher family swim party.  I was too tired to remember to take pictures, but it was a nice evening!

I did read Ezekiel 33 and 3 Nephi 11 today, and did continue walking (see

The tortoise is smiling!

Friday, August 12, 2011

This morning I went to a doctor visit.  All continues to be well.  What did come out of it is that after nine months of pretty much daily walking I was challenged to increase my pace to 15, then 14, then 13, then 12 minutes per mile!  

I did another hour towards my continuing education requirement for the year, and passed another quiz.  I am studying how to better use QuickBooks to get more useful reports for my clients!

I also went to the temple while I was in St. George.  I am trying to make it a Friday habit, so far I'm at three consecutive weeks.  I enjoy the peaceful feeling there.  It is a good place to read and pray.  On day 6, I read Ezekiel 32, 3 Nephi 10, and D&C 88:81-125. One of the blessings of following Christ: "He that seeketh me early, shall find me and shall not be forsaken." D&C 88:83 

On the way home, I listened to Elder Ronald Rasband's talk from the April 2010 Priesthood Session.  Missionary calls really are inspired of God .. 

I ate my dinner in 10 minutes.  One serving of homemade lasagna and a couple cups of water.  Fast and very tasty!  Then it was time to go to Boyd's viewing.  He looked very peaceful.  I'm glad after such a fight for life that he had.  Esther held up pretty well too, so it was a good evening.

My walk was in the evening.  It was a real effort for me to reach my first time (since my youth) to beat a 15 min/mile pace for 1.6 miles. Details at the blog too boring to be the most boring blog in America:  .

The tortoise is smiling!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Boyd Oren Hepworth (1946-2011) - Humble Community Icon

My day started before the previous one ended.  Rachel returned from Boston on the 12:40 am shuttle, I went to St. George to pick her up.  On the way to do that, I stopped to get some white powdered sugar donuts to take to Willyne, who was still at the hospital with the Hepworths at that hour.  She waited for later to eat them, but I wanted to at least try. 
I visited Boyd.  His blood pressure had dropped further, his organs were already gone ... except one, his huge heart, pumping away steadily at 63 beats each minute. 

He passed from this life later this morning, between 7 and 8 am.  Word of his passing spread through town quickly.  I think I heard it best when I attended a city meeting at 10 am, and was warmly greeted by the staff who cheerfully wanted to know how I was doing.  How could I not be doing great with such a warm greeting, yet I was a little hesitant to be too enthusiastic thinking about what our neighborhood will be like without this man who grew 400 tomato plants each season so he would have some to give away daily to literally everyone.  This man who would quietly notice when a road needed grating, a ditch needed cleaning, or a giant pot of chili was needed for a funeral ... and it would just be done.  You would rarely actually see him do it, it would just be done.  Knowing all this, the city folks said yes, we have heard of Boyd's passing, he was an icon in the community and will really be missed.

It is unique to use humble and icon to describe the same person, but it fits for Boyd.  I will miss him.

The day did go on of course:

Listening while walking today: Health, Medicine, Priesthood Blessings, and Faith - Crystal Clear Counsel from Elder Dallin H. Oaks

The walk itself, along with today's eating, are detailed in the terreeeblay blog at:

Day 5 scripture reading ... Ezekiel 31 and 3 Nephi 9.

The city meeting was on the upcoming extension of Main Street to the future Cottonwood Hollow Elementary School.  Representatives from the contractor, the school district, the gas, electric, water, and sewer utilities,  and the fire district were all there to coordinate what is needed for this road.  I was there to make sure safety concerns are addressed.  Will there be adequate room for the parents driving their children to school and for parking?  More important than that, how will children age 10 and younger safely cross two busy state highways to walk to this school daily.  I went to this meeting specifically to make sure these issues were addressed.  I left my car with the family today with Willyne working with the Hepworths, and Becca and Rachel watching Maude today in addition to the grandchildren who are here for the summer.  I arranged rides with two different people to and from this meeting ... I'm glad I did.

Yes, the tortoise is smiling.  :-)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Even so ... the tortoise is smiling

I listened to Elder Holland's talk in the Saturday afternoon session of April 2010 general conference for inspiration while walking. I wrote some further feelings from listening to this talk at:  There are also links so that you can easily listen to the talk itself and the closing hymn of the session that followed.  This talk is a classic, and worth the few minutes it takes to listen to it.

The walk itself, along with today's eating, are detailed in the terreeeblay blog at:

I didn't mention this last night, but I read Ezekiel 29 and 3 Nephi 7 yesterday and Ezekiel 30 and 3 Nephi 8 today.  They were good and blessed me.  I wrote about Elder Holland's talk feeling that was the most memorable inspiration I received today.

I was home from work today and had fun with my grandchildren.  Willyne is still comforting Esther.  Boyd was taken off life support today.  His blood pressure is now below 42 over 27.  I feel for him and for her.

Even so ... the tortoise is smiling.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Praying for Esther

My walk came in the afternoon today ... to the post office, the bank, and then up the hill to Hurricane Elementary School and back.  If you'd like more detail, terreeeblay is the place!

I listened to Elder Bednar's talk in the Saturday afternoon session of April 2010 general conference for inspiration while walking. We need to constantly be alert and attentive on our path through life and let the Lord be our guide. I wrote some further feelings from listening to this talk at:

Let's see, what else did I do today?  Cleaned an air conditioning vent, finished one section of a continuing education class online (good for 8 of the 56 hours I need this year), continued some "arm wrestling" on notices from the IRS and the California Franchise Tax Board, took minutes at bishopric meeting, met with David Wilcox again with more questions about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon (I thought it went well), and continued praying for Boyd Hepworth and his whole family ... particularly Esther to be comforted in the very difficult decisions she is having to make about Boyd's life support ... and for Willyne who has been such a support to her through all of this.

The tortoise is smiling!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Old Friends New Friends

Jay Beck and I were greenies in the Dartford District together in the fall of 1972.  We became friends then ... tonight I got to meet his wife Martha, their children, and some of their friends as they visited with us on their way to hike the Zion Narrows tomorrow.  Good luck to you all and enjoy!

I had an especially fun walk with four of my grandchildren today.  Pictures and all the usual details are at

No conference talks today because I was talking to grandchildren, but I did do some interesting reading in Ezekiel and 3 Nephi.  I missed Saturday, so this is 2 days in a row.  You can read more of my experiences and thoughts about what I read at

The tortoise is smiling!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Grandpa & Grandma love Maude, Hilary & Jacob!

This morning we went to Jacob & Hilary's ward and participated in Jacob giving his daughter Maude her name and blessing.  Jacob was very kind and loving and gave her a beautiful blessing!

After a nice family dinner we went home, thinking we would visit David again to follow up on a question he had in his missionary discussion last night (see and then we would rest a little ...

The follow-up went well, but soon after we returned we learned Boyd Hepworth and Connie Atwood were in the hospital (Boyd in ICU after emergency surgery this weekend) so Willyne and I rushed there to see what we could do to comfort and support them and their families. 

A very good day in expected and unexpected ways...

The tortoise is smiling!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fun with Emma and Riley!

Other fun I had today (besides hangin' with Riley and Emma, and what could top that?) included going with Willyne to visit sisters in the ward and to help teach a missionary discussion.  I got to bear my testimony a couple times, it always feels good!  My walk came late tonight, because I got up late (10!) not feeling well at the start of the day.  Details of that are at and my listening inspiration while walking was  Last night I went to the temple, second week in a row.  I'm recording that for the same reason I'm recording walking stats.  To make sure I am consistent.  President Monson teaches us to write our goals and measure our progress, what better mentor could we ask for in this life?

The tortoise is smiling!

Friday, August 5, 2011

5 Aug 11

Quiet time, reading.  Yes that does happen with active grandchildren ... I am loving my summer with them!

I have another fun picture with my eating and walking details at

While walking I listened to some more general conference.  I have thoughts on that along with how Giddianhi (in 3 Nephi 3) and Voldemort (the evil dark lord in the Harry Potter books) are particularly relevant today ...

The tortoise is smiling!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Livin' The Dream!

Clearly, this was a fun evening!

There are more fun pictures of Becca, Maggie, and Emma, along with eating and walking detail for today at  

I read Ezekiel 24 and 3 Nephi 2 today, with a continuing amazement over the past few days as to how quick we humans are to forget the Lord, regardless of what signs we may have seen or felt.  No criticism there, just a sober reminder to remember the Lord every, every day.  It adds meaning to the Sacrament.

The tortoise is smiling.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 Aug 11

I read 3 Nephi 1 and Ezekiel 23 this morning, set a good mood for the day.  Work was mostly a day of catching up on paperwork, with a break to have lunch with my dad -- one that would make Rachel smile:  a grilled chicken salad at Dairy Queen.  There is enough grilled chicken, sunflower seeds, carrot slivers, cheese, and the like that I have discovered I enjoy it without dressing and the scrubbers felt good for a couple hours after eating.  Yea!   We had a nice conversation too - this was the Fathers' Day lunch that was postponed because we went halfway across the country by car to Helena's funeral.

This evening was city council.  The agenda was short, but the discussion on each item was thorough.  For many years we have contracted our animal control services to our neighboring city of Hurricane, but beginning this past July 1 we have started doing it ourselves.  Tonight we considered what type of animal shelter building and facility we should have.  The good news is we have been trying hard enough to do it right that the animal protection folks have been pleased and offered their help.  A different viewpoint came from a citizen, who thought this was a waste of money and we should just put the animals down with carbon monoxide from car exhaust.  This isn't humane, would probably subject us to lawsuits, so we aren't doing it, but at least this person cared enough to make their opinion known.

We also discussed how much traffic we expect on two new roads, and thus how wide they should be (they will be handling traffic from a school, so this is especially important), new developments in fire protection, and plans to plant grass seed and install sprinklers on 2.5 acres so that a year from now we have additional ball fields for our children to play on.

Changing subjects, I continued my one day at a time quest to improve my health ... Eating and walking detail for today is available at

The tortoise is smiling.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2 Aug 11

I read Helaman 16 today and was amazed.  Again.  By how fast we people are to forget all the signs we see and choose the flesh over the Father.  People were witnessing daily miracles and visitations by angels.  Didn't matter. 

I also continued my efforts to finish last year's reading of the Old Testament, today with Ezekiel 22.

Josh and Megan brought Ethan, Kate, and Riley over this evening.  They seem to noticeably grow by the day.  Amazing.

Eating and walking detail for today is available at

The tortoise is smiling.

Monday, August 1, 2011

1 Aug 11

I miss all Willyne and my family that returned home after the reunion.  There are 21 of us now that Maude joined us in 2011!  Monday morning definitely seemed like one today.

I enjoyed reading Helaman 15 and Ezekiel 21, and also this talk:  I can use all the encouragement I can get in my efforts to be passionately, cheerfully, faithful to the end.

Walking and eating detail today if you're interested at

Friday, July 15, 2011

15 Jul 2011

I left home at 5:30 am for a 4 day trip to follow up on several business prospects.  So far it is going well, but it takes me about 0.000...1 seconds after leaving to know how much I miss being home with my sweet wife and family.  Then I give myself a pep talk that is who I do this for and reluctantly proceed ...

I did not read today, but did listen to 90 minutes of the Sunday morning session from the October 2010 general conference that was a real blessing to me.

Eating and exercise highlights: Walked 2.36 miles in 48:12, swam 100 meters in 4:00, net calories consumed 1,075, drank 8 glasses of water. More details are available at the terreeeblay blog: is 07/154.html

Thursday, July 14, 2011

14 Jul 11

Thought from morning reading (Alma 62-63 and Matthew 28)  "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"  Matthew 28:19

Exercise and food highlights:  Walked 3.13 miles in 55:31, swam 107 meters in 4:14, net calories consumed 1,306, drank 11 glasses of water. More details are available at the terreeeblay blog:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

13 Jul 2011

Thought for today:  "Jesus saith to Peter..lovest thou me more than these?..Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee..He saith unto him, Feed my lambs" John 21:15-17

Eating and exercise highlights:  Walked 3.11 miles in 51:29, swam 85 meters in 3 minutes, net calories consumed 1,430, drank 9 glasses of water. More details are available at the terreeeblay blog:

I was extra tired today at work, but overall it was a good day.  I especially love the morning devotionals and the evenings I have been blessed to have with my children's families these past several days!

My morning devotional today:  listening to President Eyring, President Monson, and the MTC choir singing "Called To Serve" from October 2010 General Conference Priesthood Session while walking.  There is a difference between reading, pondering, and praying and all are important.  It doesn't matter which road you take if you don't know where you are going (quoting Alice in Wonderland) - but we DO know where we are going and it makes all the difference in the world!  And if you want to feel really good, listen to the MTC missionaries sing "Called To Serve"!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Peace Be Unto You

Thought of the day ... "And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you." Luke 24:36

Another strong terreeeblay day, thanks for the support! Good walk to begin the day, less than 700 net calories consumed during the day with 10 cups of water, good swim and basketball clinic with Doug to end the day. Details at the terreeeblay blog include links to HumanaFit, livestrong, and a picture ...

We had all eight grandchildren at our house at one point today, very, very nice!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday, 11 Jul 2011

A thought from this morning's reading:  "They had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God will deliver them. ... We do not doubt our mothers knew it." Alma 56:47-48 
The mothers of the 2000 stripling sons of Ammon knew of what they taught.  So do our mothers.  And God will really will deliver us ... if we do not doubt.

Listening material while walking today (  Talks by Elder Kearon and Elder Uceda, the song High On A Mountain Top, and President Uchtdorf's talk in the October 2010 Priesthood Session.  We need to follow the Lord with exactness, deviations due to laziness or rebellion lead to pain.  We need to listen to the spirit, even when it tells us to gently say I'm sorry.  We need to understand the difference between being proud of our family, our country, etc. and being prideful.  Don't think less of ourselves, but don't think so much about ourselves.)'
I am really enjoying walking and listening to conference.  It is amazing how fast the time passes and how good I feel while I'm doing it...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Birthday, Terry ... 7.7.11

Terry, I hope you get to do something on your birthday besides wrestle with movers, landlords, and the like! 

Several of you have had fun bantering with me about Lance and The Tour recently, so perhaps my latest tweet won't surprise you ...  Bill Strickland:What is Lance Armstrong's endgame? echoes my torn emotions after 25 glorious Julys w/my sons,TdF&cancer

Josh, thanks for your kind comments over in terreeeblay's world today ...

Thought for today:  Is anyone else ready to join me in honoring Moroni I and hoisting the Title of Liberty (Alma 46:12-13)?   I think the time has come for all good men ...

(verses 11, 14, and 15 compliment this well)

Thank you for your patience while I post pictures and other momentos from the past month ... Helena's funeral, travelling, the blessings of sharing service with Willyne (most recently at our ward's girl's camp), lots of family gatherings, and so much more.  You may want to check back over the past few weeks entries here from time to time over the summer ... you're likely to see new entries appear in between those already here ...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Helena's Viewing

Welcome to Illinois!

My mother with Helena.  Helena was beautifully dressed, but you could tell in her face that the last few months were tough.

The picture/newspaper clipping boards at Helena's viewing and funeral were lovingly put together by Sharon and brought back some good memories!

Late at night, I did go for a walk.  Details at: