My day started before the previous one ended. Rachel returned from Boston on the 12:40 am shuttle, I went to St. George to pick her up. On the way to do that, I stopped to get some white powdered sugar donuts to take to Willyne, who was still at the hospital with the Hepworths at that hour. She waited for later to eat them, but I wanted to at least try.
I visited Boyd. His blood pressure had dropped further, his organs were already gone ... except one, his huge heart, pumping away steadily at 63 beats each minute.
He passed from this life later this morning, between 7 and 8 am. Word of his passing spread through town quickly. I think I heard it best when I attended a city meeting at 10 am, and was warmly greeted by the staff who cheerfully wanted to know how I was doing. How could I not be doing great with such a warm greeting, yet I was a little hesitant to be too enthusiastic thinking about what our neighborhood will be like without this man who grew 400 tomato plants each season so he would have some to give away daily to literally everyone. This man who would quietly notice when a road needed grating, a ditch needed cleaning, or a giant pot of chili was needed for a funeral ... and it would just be done. You would rarely actually see him do it, it would just be done. Knowing all this, the city folks said yes, we have heard of Boyd's passing, he was an icon in the community and will really be missed.
It is unique to use humble and icon to describe the same person, but it fits for Boyd. I will miss him.
The day did go on of course:
Listening while walking today: Health, Medicine, Priesthood Blessings, and Faith - Crystal Clear Counsel from Elder Dallin H. Oaks
The city meeting was on the upcoming extension of Main Street to the future Cottonwood Hollow Elementary School. Representatives from the contractor, the school district, the gas, electric, water, and sewer utilities, and the fire district were all there to coordinate what is needed for this road. I was there to make sure safety concerns are addressed. Will there be adequate room for the parents driving their children to school and for parking? More important than that, how will children age 10 and younger safely cross two busy state highways to walk to this school daily. I went to this meeting specifically to make sure these issues were addressed. I left my car with the family today with Willyne working with the Hepworths, and Becca and Rachel watching Maude today in addition to the grandchildren who are here for the summer. I arranged rides with two different people to and from this meeting ... I'm glad I did.
Yes, the tortoise is smiling. :-)