Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fixing Roads, Setting City Priorities, and I Would Walk 100 Days

Well after making it to 94 consecutive non-Sabbath days of walking and stumbling after April 9, I have made it to 100 days this time!  Several of you know how much I enjoy the quirky sound and the persistence illustrated in what I call the "500 mile song", so give me 3 1/2 minutes, substitute "100 days" in your mind every time you hear "500 miles", click on the arrow in the picture above (and possibly click again if Vevo  makes you watch it directly on YouTube), and enjoy!  (P.S. I walked 153 miles (and change) during this 100 days, so that makes Doug the winner in the "will Dad make it to 100 days or 100 miles first?" competition.)

You can read more details of today's walking (and eating) at:

I guess today is a typical day of what it took to get this done.  I had city council tonight.  We heard a detailed presentation by the city engineer of what it will take to fix 100 East, particularly the block between Center Street and 100 South where the McKell, Jones, Earl, Price, and other families have been impacted by the last attempt (nearly 20 years ago) to fix the drainage and other issues on this street).  I have a copy of the detailed plans if any of you are interested -- I think we are close to figuring out how to do it, and it hasn't been easy because of the narrow right-of-way and steep slopes involved.  We also had a work session to update our priorities on projects to continue work improving our streets, irrigation water system, and other long-term projects.  It was a good meeting, the city moves ahead at a tortoise pace, but a steady one, and I am glad to be a participatator as my children's grandmother Forsyth would say.

The year is rapidly flying by as they all seem to do, and I have continuing education requirements to meet.  After city council I finished a 16 hour course online and put a good dent in what is needed for the year.  This included passing a 40 question test at 93%.  (Minimum to pass was 85%).

Then, and only then, would I let myself relax by doing the 100th walk ...

I continued reading today, Ezekiel 36 and 3 Nephi 14.

The tortoise is smiling!

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