Up at 6, out walking with Willyne at 6:15. It was cool, I wore my sweatshirt and walking hat. Actually just about the right walking temperature, plus I got to be with Willyne, which was very nice. We didn't set any speed records, it took an hour to do the two miles, but it felt good.
At 7:15 I wrestled with the water hoses. We aren't going to water any more this year, and the trick-or-treaters are coming tonight, so it was best to move the hoses to be out of their way. There are a lot of them, but I won the wrestling match in the end.
I read Mosiah 21. There is a good summary chart on pages 159-160 of the Institute manual comparing the trials of the people of Alma, who voluntarily repented after believing Abinadi's second warning, and the people of Limhi, who did not repent until the were compelled to do so under the weight of a 50% tribute (tax) and their inability to win freedom in three bloody attempts. Clearly there is an important blessing available to repenting voluntarily rather than when we have no choice. (Or, worse still, there is the possible choice to follow the example of the Jaredites or the Nephites in Mormon's day, and not repent even when forced to do so.)
I am now at the office helping with month-end client billings. That will consume much of my day until it is time for trick-or-treaters and family this evening. That will be fun!
Happy Halloween!
We have hundreds of photos from our childhood but none of us in Halloween
costumes. I love this one of my cute little brothers. #throwbackwednesday
6 years ago
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