Doug Jr has been giving me text updates on the Jazz-Suns game. Everytime the Jazz make it a game, the Suns pull away again. It was 58-42 at halftime, now with 10 minutes to go in the game its 84-74. We can still do it, but there's no time like the present!
Had two planning appointments today. I like them the best, gets my creative juices flowing. They are also the most work, I usually spend much more time getting ready for them than the appointments themselves actually take. So I'm tired and pleased with the day tonight ...
My stomach has gotten a little less queasy each of the last two days. I'm thankful for that, hope I make it all the way back ... My quarterly appointment with Dr. Richards, my radiation oncologist, got moved today from Tuesday to Thursday next week. I had my blood test two days ago in preparation for this, so now we get to wait two extra days to learn the results. I'm thinking it will be good ... :)
Doing some more thinking about turqoise ant and argyle grasshopper while driving 130 miles between appointments today (when the phone wasn't ringing with several new crises today. If you are wondering about the economy, the view from Main Street, as reported by your friendly accountant who sees a wide cross-section up and down the Street, is definitely still fight for your life at every business). Getting back to ants, grasshoppers, geese, and hens, we are going to have fun with this!
(At my first mission Christmas conference back in a previous lifetime (1972), the Dartford District skit was Old MacDonald's farm, wrapped up by yours truly singing his verse with a roll of adding machine tape coming out of his mouth -- old MacDonald had a computer to keep track of all the animals. Guess life really does go in circles ...)
Happy Halloween!
We have hundreds of photos from our childhood but none of us in Halloween
costumes. I love this one of my cute little brothers. #throwbackwednesday
6 years ago