Thursday, July 29, 2010

Seeing Cousins

I was in West Valley tonight seeing my cousins Margo, Rachelle, and Jennifer Hoyt after finishing my work with clients for the day. It was a lot of fun seeing them and swapping stories. Doug Jr would have liked dinner--I was initiated to Five Guys Burgers and Fries which along with soft drinks are literally the only items on the menu. Not even milkshakes. I had lettuce, tomato, cheese, grilled onions and mushrooms, and barbeque sauce on mine and it was indeed very good!


  1. Awes! Even got the total mushrooms! How do you rank it vs smashburger?

  2. Actually hard to compare for me because both times I have been to smashburger I have had the chicken sandwich! The thick Five Guys burger with their quality mushrooms will be hard to beat, I will say that . . .
