Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good News and Good Views

As I pulled into the parkiing lot of a client for an appointment today, I got a phone call from the office of one of my doctors.  I am scheduled to go in next week for a six month checkup following the completion of radiation treatments and monthly blood tests since the last visit in February.

They told me my PSA has been steadily dropping and the last reading (not quite two weeks ago) was 0.03, the lowest ever.  So, "congratulations, you are now on quarterly blood tests and we'll call you for an appointment in six more months!"

How's that for good news!

My last appointment today was near enough to the beach that I could smell it in the air.  So ... I did some checking and found it was a 10 minute drive to

Sunset Beach, near where Warner Ave reaches Pacific Coast Hwy in Orange County, CA.

I parked the car, walked up this short path, and just stood at the top for a few minutes to enjoy this view

and breathe in the sea air!


  1. life is good...i'm glad you enjoyed it work so hard :0) i love you! willyne

  2. Total Awes!!! Didn't know you were already down there. And great news with the low PSA!!!

  3. Life IS good! Thanks for both of your kind comments!
