Thought for today ... from reading in Alma 49 and Acts 23 ...
"And it came to pass, that on the other hand, the people
of Nephi did a the Lord their God, because of his
matchless power in delivering them from the hands of
their enemies."
-- Alma 49:28
This reminds me of part of Alma 7:23 that I especially love, which says:
"... asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and
always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever
things ye do receive." (italics added by me)
Thanking the Lord for absolutely everything, and never forgetting
His hand in our lives, is an exquisitely powerful force of love.
Please click here for info on walking and eating today, and just
to prove that I have a fun side too, I have a popular song about
power for you today: