I read Alma 3 and also Chapter 23 in the Book of Mormon Institute Manual, which covers Alma 1-4. I am very thankful for the Institute manuals. There is a lot of wonderful teaching in Alma, but I will confess to never seeing that much in the stories of Nehor and Amlici in previous readings, and it really wasn't different this time either. Please go read Chapter 23. I am amazed how much our current apostles and prophets have to say about these four chapters of Alma that specifically apply to us and the current challenges each of us are facing.
I am also up to Jeremiah in the Old Testament. Mostly I am listening to it on CDs while driving. Most of Isaiah I listened to twice because it was so deep. I have been blessed with a greater appreciation of the Old Testament this year and have been blessed by reading, listening, and studying the two Institute manuals for that book of scripture. I do talk about the Book of Mormon more, but wanted to bear testimony of the Old Testament also.
I have a link to Blair and Betty Jane Pack's missionary blog in the list of blogs I follow. It is wonderful. As you read it you feel like you are in Santiago, Chile experiencing their daily missionary life and their testimonies with them. I hope you have already discovered it. If you haven't yet, there is a real treat waiting for you!
I stuck my head out the door considering a walk at 6 am. It was 35 degrees and windy. Guess I'm hoping for a little better conditions as the day progresses. I know that's risky, but I promise to go walk today and tell you about it.
A little later today I picked up the November General Conference issue of the Ensign and read "Reflections of a Consecrated Life" by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles while eating (drinking a kefir shake).
I especially feel the presence of the Spirit during General Conference. I know that the Spirit is bearing witness that what is being said is true and is of great importance in my life. As soon as I began reading this talk, that same strong presence of the Spirit came. I wish I could always have it at that intensity, but know part of the test of life is to see what we will do at all times and in all places. Still we can do more to keep the Spirit with us.
We commit to live the Law of Consecration every time we do a temple endowment session. It is a powerful, all-encompassing, life changing law. Like all of God's laws, when we follow it we are immediately blessed and still in the Lord's debt (see King Benjamin's teachings in Mosiah). But it requires faith to follow God's laws, particularly one that asks us to give all. It is not easy, but is infinitely rewarding.
Elder Christofferson explains five aspects of the Law of Consecration in his talk. I thought I understood this law before, but do much more clearly now. I have my work cut out for me!
Remember ... return with honor (see Elder and Sister Pack's latest blog post for more on that) and no empty chairs! Please read this talk enough times to internalize it and use it as one of your guideposts in life. I know you will return with honor if you do! I promise to do the same.

Now for the bogus part. I did go for a walk. It was for five minutes. I can blame it on the wind but I don't want to. I am at day 233 on this blog, I am very thankful I have made it that far. I will make sure to walk every day but Sunday too and look forward to reporting consecutive day 233 on walking. The tortoise wants to be living a productive life 30+ years into the future, and walking is one of the key elements to make that happen. Yes I am writing to talk myself into this. I have pep talks with myself every day. Hope you do too :)
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