If you try to start a new habit one more time than the number of times you get sidetracked, it will indeed become a part of your life. That is my passionately smiling tortoise wisdom for the day.
So .... Willyne and I went for a walk this morning. Not just one mile, but two. That is a big difference. One mile is about where I get warmed up. I really felt it the second mile. Now to get to day 2 of the 21 days it will take to make this stick. (This technique (keep trying until the habit sticks) worked with this journal/blog by the way. I have tried so many times to make that a habit. Now I have made it six months without missing a day. I don't dare miss a day now, I know I will have immediately lost that good habit.)
I am hoping to get to the same point with walking (or some form of daily exercise -- I might mix up riding a one-speed bicycle that we have in there)
When we got back from the walk I then wrestled with the hoses in the field for an hour. The process of removing the pool has cut off the irrigation water to the field, so I strung together hoses from the culinary tap to the field today. Water was spraying everywhere, but eventually I won that battle. If you saw me when I finished you would think I had gone to battle. Muddy, wet, just a mess.
I then read Mosiah 5. I have decided this will be my answer to those who ask me if and when I have been born again. It occurred to me in today's reading that this chapter is King Benjamin's description of truly being born again, especially verses 7 and 8,
7 And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters.
8 And under this head ye are made free, and there is no other head whereby ye can be made free. There is no other name given whereby salvation cometh; therefore, I would that ye should take upon you the name of Christ, all you that have entered into the covenant with God that ye should be obedient unto the end of your lives.
I recommend reading the whole chapter to get this in context -- it is wonderful.
Then I went to work. I helped with several tax returns, that is picking up volume now that we are getting closer to the October 15 deadline when the extensions run out. Then I headed to Mesquite to deliver a return and do some tax planning with a client.
After work, our bishopric had a temple night with our wives. Willyne and I went a little early and had a nice dinner with Grandmother Forsyth. It was my first time to see her new place in St. George -- cozy and very nice. Her meal was nice too, after which she joined us in the temple. It was quite full, we were there 30 minutes before our session, but we were still bumped to the next session (which was also full). We were glad to see so many people there.
Came home, set hoses and sprinklers to run overnight, and took out the trash. A full day, and a nice one!
And here's a little bonus tonight. A friend sent me a link to this video Monday, I loved it and believe you will too!
It takes six minutes to watch, but if you like the Grand Canyon you will love this National Geographic production!
As for the music, you will either love it or hate it. No neutral passions here! I'll be interested to read the comments here and get your reaction. Personally, I think it fits the moving scenery perfectly.
Happy Halloween!
We have hundreds of photos from our childhood but none of us in Halloween
costumes. I love this one of my cute little brothers. #throwbackwednesday
6 years ago
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