Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy (current) Memorial Day!

Today was wonderful.  I did rest a lot, and did a lot too.  My sweetheart did a lot more.  She amazes me every day.  She got up at 5 am, finished the work on dinner at midday today - brisket, baked beans, potato salad, real lemonade, pound cake with strawberries and homemade whipped cream.  Then at 7 she was out the door to decorate graves.  This was just about the time I finally stirred to life, sorry to say.  So I hurried and got on my long sleeved shirt and wide brimmed hat to protect me from the sun, took some antihistimines for the allergies and headed out to join her . . .

Doug Jr, Josh, Megan, Ethan, Kate, and Riley joined Willyne, Danielle, and I for the yummy feast.  Not too long after that they all headed to the swimming pool, and I . . . headed for an hour and a half snooze.  Told you I rested a lot today.  Here's Josh and Doug Jr getting Riley into the pool, big smiles! ...

Then it was back inside for movies.  I was in the family room with Doug Jr, Josh, and my grandchildren where we watched "Up".  I got a turn holding Riley, and Kate sat by me for awhile -- love that!  Meanwhile the ladies of the house were watching "Leap Year". 

After the movies, Josh and Megan took their crew home, and the remaining four of us settled in for a great game of chinese checkers on the new set from the Ugly Trailor (antique store) that looks just like the set Willyne's grandfather Ollie used to play her on.  Willyne won (she often does).

For a few minutes at the end of the day, Willyne played the piano -- that is always the ultimate treat for me.  Here's about a minute of it that I have to share with you . . .

Hope you had a nice Memorial Day too!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy (Original) Memorial Day

Memorial Day is May 30 but was changed several years ago to the last Monday in May in the effort to create more 3 day weekends.  That's fine, just gives me two chances to think about those we love who are now gone -- once today and then again tomorrow . . .

We had impromptu speakers in Sacrament Meeting today.  Apparently whoever was going to speak called the Bishop Friday and said they couldn't, so he felt prompted to handle it this way.  It turned out really well.  Keturah Lance, Katie Wilson, Marva Stevens, and Marva's husband Jason were called out of the audience to speak and each of them had a wonderful spirit as they spoke.

It was a fifth Sunday, which meant a few things were different.  Hugh Howard teaches a journaling class during Sunday School on fifth Sundays, everyone had a turn helping each other by sharing their experiences.  I shared my from two months of writing this blog daily.  It has been a good experience for me, I love the comments, and also I find writing blesses me to be more conscious of what is around me and of the daily decisions I make.  Thank you for being a part of this with me! 

We also had combined Priesthood and Relief Society today, the full-time missionaries in our area led a discussion with us.  We got new missionaries this week -- not only an area whitewash, but also we have sisters now instead of elders.  They have a good spirit and enthusiasm, I think they will enjoy La Verkin Stake and do well here.

One other fifth Sunday highlight was that Willyne and I hosted a Meet and Greet at our home from 5 to 6 pm.  We were all having such a good time that it was close to 7 when it actually ended.  Very informal, just sit out some yummy teriyaki meat balls, some oatmeal coconut cake (smells and tastes great!), and water . . . have some friends bring additional treats, put flyers on doors and talk it up, and voila!  great conversations begin and people get better acquainted!  We think we had about 44 people come and are quite thankful for that!

After that I peeled some potatoes and Willyne started cooking baked beans for our family barbeque for tomorrow, smells wonderful in our home now!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Very Random Thoughts While Cleaning My Desk

I had lots of time to think today while cleaning my desk at home, which took a long time because I did each thing that had been waiting for me on my desk for months.  Here are some of my thoughts . . .

I'm pondering Henry Ford's profound statement, "Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."   about 12 hours ago on Twitter via txt  You might find the banter it generated on Facebook interesting . . .                 11 hours ago via Facebook for BlackBerry ·

Douglas Hoyt, Terrence Rachel Burner and Jed Stout like this.
11 hours ago · John Forsyth very smart.
11 hours ago · John Forsyth You CAN do it.
11 hours ago · Doug Beecher Sr Right on, John!
11 hours ago · Keith Stout What conclusion have you come up with?
3 hours ago · Doug Beecher Sr That it's important to approach challenges in life with a "can do" attitude. If we encounter obstacles, think internally, and collaborate with others until we come up with "Plan B (or C, D, or whatever) and try again. If we start thinking we can't then we won't. Which is just how you approach things, Keith--one of many things I admire about you.

Moving on to other thoughts as the day progressed . . . I like this: If God asks us to do something, he will make it possible for us to do.  about 7 hours ago on Twitter via web from La Verkin, UT  (If you click on the link, it will take you to 1 Nephi 17:3)

Well, about dinnertime I finally finished with the desk.  It's month-end, so Willyne has been working on Accutek invoices a good part of the day.  I finished my project just in time to be able to help her start doublechecking them.  So we got a lot done today.

I have one other thing for you today, a follow-up on yesterday's post about radiation clinic music and how it helps me stay calm and still while the treatments are done.  It got me thinking about how music has affected me over the years . . .

I suppose I'm not that unusual when I say that music has been a big part of my life, but it has changed dramatically as my life has changed.  As a child, I started relating songs with the places I was at when I heard them repeatedly.  As an example, I've been to Death Valley (CA) once in my life, it was on Lincoln's Birthday weekend when I was 11.  (This was before "President's Day". We used to commemorate both Lincoln's Birthday on Feb. 12 and Washington's Birthday on Feb. 22.  This meant no school on either of these days) That year Lincoln's Birthday was on a Friday, so my dad took my brothers and I camping.  The radio played the theme song from the James Bond movie Goldfinger repeatedly, and to this day when I hear that song I think of Death Valley and that camping trip.

Not too long after that trip, the Beatles started making a big impact in my life.  At first it was negative.  Some girls in my seventh grade class missed three straight days of school to try to get in to the Hollywood Bowl when they played there.  Of course, the Beatles coming to L.A. got lots of attention on all the TV stations, so I watched and listened to see what all the fuss was about.  I wasn't impressed.  Everytime, I just barely started listening to the music when the screaming got so loud that was all I could hear.  About then, Mr. Faulkner, my English teacher, wanted us to write a short essay on what we thought of this new phenomenon.  We could say we liked it or didn't, he didn't care about that as much as he did how we defended our position.  Here is the result . . .

The pictures at the bottom are some left over wallet-sized pictures that were taken for the school yearbook that year (at least I think that's what they are).  The sweater was light green, and as another side note, this is what I wore passing the Sacrament every Sunday as a deacon.

Getting back to my story, it took a little more than a year to totally reverse my position on the Beatles.  They came out with Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and I was hooked.  The summer of 1967, Brad Bobbs and I had a memorable summer creating a series of games (4 dimensional tic-tac-toe, a stock market game, and a really unique game we called "Turnpike" that was so large you couldn't fold the game board and included a 10 inch high papermache volcano that actually smoldered (when you put a piece of lit incense inside)) . . . while listening to Beatles albums hundreds of times.

So much for disliking the Beatles and not caring if that made me anti-social, ha!

Well I'll fast forward now so that I can end this post before anyone still reading it falls asleep.  Just like hearing Goldfinger generates pictures in my mind of Scotty's Castle and our 1964 Chevrolet station wagon, and hearing Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head recreates mental images of a rainy week attempting to camp near McCall, Idaho in 1970, hearing the Beatles in particular, or classic rock in general, brings back vivid mental images of the whole process of growing up in the turbulent 60s in West L.A. and the early 70s at Santa Monica College.

Then I had my years of driving I-15 literally hundreds of times in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and California, much of it late at night so I wouldn't miss any work time.  Too much of the time I stayed awake by rolling down the window and turning up the volume of whatever my favorite classic rock station was at the time, and for a few hours each trip I would be back in another world.

Not so long ago, I discovered Pandora, a free internet "radio" service, where you can literally create your own radio station.  It seemed made for me.  I created a station full of these songs.  But then a funny thing happened.  I have also always liked quiet, contemplative music, and while I will always like energetic music, my tastes have definitely changed.  So now I have two Pandora stations, the second one being a mixture of Enya, Jim Brickman, and other similar artists.  Very little singing, I often prefer instrumentals.

Now for the most ironic part.  I see lots and talk to lots of people every day.  So when I actually get time alone in my car or office, guess what I listen to now.  Either the scripture CDs I mentioned a few days ago, or the literal sounds of silence (not the Simon and Garfunkel version).  And I do a lot of thinking when the silence begins.

Try it sometime.  You might surprise yourself and really like it!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Rachel, this post is dedicated to you . . . well maybe to Sarah too . . .

It's Friday headed into a three day weekend, so let's get a little light hearted here today . . .

Rachel sent me this two minute clip that is funny while being sadly accurate.  If you've been wondering about what all the commotion is about the European economy the past few weeks, and what it might have to do with the rest of us, click here and check this out.  You might find yourself wanting to watch more from these gents on Australian TV. . .

I was also thinking of Rachel when the music was playing at the radiation clinic today.  Picture me with my eyes closed, laying on the firm table in my hospital robe, holding my orange donut, with equipment moving around me and laser beams and X-rays in action, listening to . . .

"Soak up the Sun" (Sheryl Crow, 2002)

"What I Like About You" (Romantics, 1979)

"Hold the Line" (Toto, 1978)

and we do want to include Sarah in this post, so here's something from the class of 1999 just for you

It made the weekend seem to come a little quicker  -- I'll enjoy my 3 days off from the clinic and so will my new friends who work there :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 12 was very good.  The allergies are still here, but I only am needing half the antihistamine I did a week ago.  So I am getting a little more energy each day, which I'm really enjoying!  I was tired for a moment as I was leaving the hospital, and at 11 I was thinking I needed to go home for a nap.  I decided to eat lunch a little early, and that gave me more energy.

I have been eating quite reasonably.  Small amounts of meat, generous amounts of vegetables, and overall I am gradually becoming satisfied with small portions.  I am pretty active each day, but haven't been able to go on walks for a month.  I am still looking forward to starting those again and think I will able to soon.

Tomorrow is another treatment, I go five days a week, Monday to Friday.  Because of Memorial Day, I will have three days to rest and recuperate instead of two this weekend.  But so far, I am quite thankful to say that this week has actually been a little easier than last week.  I am so appreciative of this!  I know this may change, which is one reason I take one day at a time.  I am also quite aware of my blessings each day, and am thankful for them day by day. 

Many people, of a variety of faiths, backgrounds, and beliefs, have told me they are praying for me.  I truly feel the strength of these prayers, and I'm so very grateful for them!  I know this is blessing those offering  the prayers as much as it is me, and that realization makes me smile.

I am listening to the Old Testament on CDs in the car and reading lessons in the LDS Institute manual when I get home.  My son-in-law Darin Ragozzine wrote a weekly reading plan at the first of the year that keeps pace with the Sunday School class lessons and also allows the reader to complete the Old Testament in a year.  I am finding the combination of listening, reading the lessons, and checking out scripture references in the lessons very helpful in better understanding and feeling the spirit of the Old Testament.   I'm behind Darin's pace, but staying with it and really enjoying it!

Melissa Fisher, a member of our ward, was in our home tonight.  Willyne is teaching her the missionary lessons.  I'm helping her along with our ward mission leaders, Eldon and Claudia Pierce.  Tonight we talked about baptism and how the sacrament allows us to renew our baptismal covenants each week.  Melissa's smile is growing each week and there is such a sweet spirit in these lessons.  I am very grateful to be able to share in that spirit.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm trying to be a better listener

I had a variety of thoughts and experiences today, including:

I'm trying to be a better listener by pondering the thought "Seek to understand, then to be understood" by Stephen R. Covey.  I had a friend tell me once that I am a "complex person, with as many layers to understand as an onion".  I think we all have many "layers" to our personalities . . . and it's worth making the effort to appreciate this when it is our turn to listen . . .

Jacob went with me today to the radiation treatment and since it was Wednesday got to visit with Dr. Richards.  I'm one-third done now and the radiation is going exactly where the doctor wants it, which is reassuring.  It was nice of Jacob to come, and I enjoyed visiting with him afterwards.  :)

Doug Jr is organizing a group competition on ESPN's website to see who can best predict who will advance in each round of the World Cup (soccer) that starts in about two weeks. I submitted my picks today and wound up picking Brasil to beat their neighbor and rival Argentina in the championship game.  I can picture the pandemonium on the streets of both countries if that actually happens!

I will conclude today with a picture Willyne sent me of the obstacle she faced getting in her car after a Relief Society visit today -- looks big to me!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My ham radio friends use abbreviations for just about everything.  It's a carryover from the old days when Morse Code ruled the long wavelength bands hams liked to use to set DX (distance) records for their broadcasts.  Out of respect (and I suspect a healthy desire to please), all women regardless of age are referred to as "YL"s (young ladies).

Tonight my sweetheart received her Young Women's Medallion, along with the other YL's shown in the picture above.  She mentored Brook Lindsay, standing just to the left of Willyne.  Brook made a deal with Willyne - if I'm going to do all this work to get this medallion, then you're going to do it with me!  So they both did, and indeed it was a lot of work but so worth it!

Each young woman, including Willyne, spoke brieflly, sharing their testimonies and telling about some of the things they did to earn this beautiful medallion.  (Willyne got a silver one with a red ruby in it, it really is nice!)  I was supposed to "close my ears" when she said that this is harder to earn than the Eagle scout is for the young men.  I'm not going to weigh in on whether the projects (that can take 10-20 or more hours for each of eight values) the young women do are harder than twenty-one merit badges, most with several difficult requirements each (for example, I failed swimming twice as a teenager because I could not get my clothes off in the water and formed into a working flotation device in the required 20 seconds), plus four service projects of several hours each, capped by a leadership service project that is a minimum 60 hours and includes having to convince an intimidating panel of adults not once but twice that the project you designed and put into a presentation book is (a) worthy of the Eagle Scout award and (b) that you completed every aspect of the project you designed.

I will leave that debate to others and smile at both sides because the truth is both the Young Women Medallion and the Eagle Scout are huge accomplishments that take lots of planning, dedication, and most of all perseverance!  Kudos to all of these young women tonight!  It was my pleasure to participate in the evening and smile.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Jammin to George FM @ the radiation clinic on day 9. Helps me lay still :)

Yes, I get sore and/or tired as the day goes on.  Overall, I continue to do great after 9 radiation treatments.  There are 24 to go, I just take them one at a time and tell myself I CAN do this.  Knowing that I have a lot of prayers being said for me helps a lot too (thanks!)

The hardest part about the 15 minutes it takes to do each treatment is laying very, very still.  I have a small orange plastic "donut" that I hold with both hands.  If I itch, or need to sneeze, or whatever, all I can do is squeeze the donut harder.  The first couple days were quiet, then suddenly one day there was music in the room.  Last week it was there every day, until Friday, when it was quiet again.  That's when I realized that the music was helping me.

They play a station called "George FM".  After listening to it for a few days, I have learned that "it's all about the variety", and there certainly is plenty of that.  Whether you like disco, 80s, or Thrice, they have it all on George FM.  Of course, you don't know from one song to the next what you are going to get.  I doubt if I would keep the station on for long if I was choosing, but it turns out to be good for the radiation room because it gets your mind off what is going on.  Just listen to three songs and maybe an ad, and before you know it they are turning the lights on and saying "see you tomorrow".  Which are the magic words that mean you get to move again . . .

Thank goodness they turned the music on today.

Changing subjects, Willyne found a great flag and flagpole recently.  Our friend Andrew put it up today, hope you like it as much as we do . . .

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Nice Quiet Sunday

I will start off with a picture of my beautiful sweetheart, taken yesterday afternoon . . .

And continue with a few details from today:  
  • My weekly weigh-in was 254.8 pounds, meaning I lost the half-pound I gained last week and a little more.  Sounds good to me!
  • Had the afternoon and evening at home with Willyne.  We planned the next couple months  together.  I read Ruth and 1 Samuel 1 for next week's Sunday School lesson.  After reading repeated cycles of poor choices that led to bad times that led to a recommitment to good choices that led to good times that led to forgetting what caused the good times and instead making poor choices . . . it was really refreshing to read of Ruth's loyalty to Naomi.
  • Rebecca returned to Idaho after going to church with us in the morning
  • Danielle visited with Jacob today
  • I got to talk with Uncle Thom Forsyth and Grand Aunt Helena Belnap this afternoon.  Both are doing well.  Helena is still doing her water therapy three times a week (she turned 101 last October) -- talk about a passionately smiling tortoise!
  • I enjoyed watching Ethan, Kate, and Riley on the Beecher Blog.
Hope you enjoyed your day too!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Participated in Stephen Sanders' funeral until mid-afternoon. Sang the "He Died For Me" in the choir. Willyne did prelude, postlude, accompanied two musical numbers and helped with the family dinner afterwards. I helped her. I like to do things with her. :)

Chloe had a ballet recital in Boston today. I got to talk with her and see pictures. She is great!

We had Josh, Megan + crew, Doug Jr, Jacob, Becca, and Danielle here this afternoon and evening. Lots of fun!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Danielle and Becca were surprised when I casually mentioned . . .

that I went to a Carpenters concert as a BYU student in the Marriott Center.  "This is the sort of thing you should tell . . . how did I live twenty-four years and not know this !?!" 

We all had a lot of fun with this, and I think the picture is classic!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Surprise Visitors!

We had some exciting surprise visitors this evening!  First we had Josh, Megan, and their crew come for fun in the yard . . .

Here's another great picture . .. oh how I love Riley's smile!

And then just as Willyne and I were getting ready to call it a day, in walks smiling Becca!!! All the way from Idaho.  Yes she has school tomorrow, but she wanted te be here for Stephen Sanders' funeral.

I'm just really glad my family likes to gather with us at our home!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another Goodbye for Now. It's Been Quite A Week For That

I am sad to hear that Ann Slack passed away today. La Verkin has now lost two citizens this week that have contributed so much to our community. Ann gave us years of dedicated service on both the Planning Commission and City Council. She will definitely be missed!

I am happy to report that Willyne and I met with Dr. Richards for a weekly update today and he is happy with my progress.  Yea!

City Council met tonight.  We had a public hearing on the budget for the 2010-11 year that will begin July 1.  It will be another year of being really careful with the money, but we were able to set some aside to do basic things like fix the aging water lines and reseal the streets.  Some of that  work is in progress now and we got reports on it.  It was a good meeting, and it was all handled in about 45 minutes which was nice.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A few random thoughts tonight

I'm at day 5 of radiation treatments now.  It is going well.  I've had minor issues, but they have all seemed to pass in an hour or two, so I have been really blessed.  Today, I had a pretty bad headache so I took some ibuprofin and rested for an hour.  It didn't completely go away, but mostly it did, and I then carried on with my day.

I have been a little less strict in my eating, but still doing well overall.  I have been told to eat a fairly neutral diet, for example I can have some fruit and vegetables, but not too much.  So the giant plates of scrubbers are gone for awhile, until I am done with the treatments.  Going back to Sunday, I did gain a half pound in the past week.  My weigh-in was 255.6, and I feel pretty good!

I, and a lot of other people I know, am missing Stephen Sanders a lot.  He occupied a good part of bishopric meeting, discussing the good he did.  After the meeting, we went as a bishopric to visit the family.  I think we were able to cheer Norma up a little, and I'm glad for that.  She is missing him more than any of us, of course.

Allergies continue to improve, although I did have a sneezing fit about 7 pm for 15 minutes.  I'm back down to four allergy pills today (I was up as high as twelve last week) so I'm thankful for that!

I read I Ne 18-19 today, and Joshua 7-8. I love how reading the scriptures makes me feel.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Goodbye for now, Stephen Sanders

Stephen Sanders passed from this life this morning. He blessed me and my family so much. He was a wonderful piano teacher to some of our children. He could visualize how to take sheet music and help ordinary people like me trying to sing in a choir to make it absolutely beautiful and expressive. I loved listening to him and my wife Willyne play the Hallelujah Chorus at Christmas on the piano and organ. He had a great love of England where he served his mission, you could see that love all over his home in pictures and more. He loved to make his hillside bloom in brilliant colors. All of us in La Verkin will miss his lights on the hill shaped like a giant Christmas tree that could be seen all over town. His birthday was on Halloween and he certainly loved that day as well.

Most especially, Stephen truly cared for, honored, and loved his mother. What an example to us all.

I know you are in a better place now, Stephen, and that you will contribute much there just as you did. All the same, I will miss you. I know Willyne and my whole family will too. Thanks for brightening our lives in so many ways! Goodbye for now.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dr Darin!

Benjamin is here with us again today. I'm hoping he will wait until tomorrow morning to driv e back to Provo--resting a little more and enjoying our company a little longer!

Jacob and Hilary came after their church and had Willyne's yummy lasagna for dinner with us. Then we all gathered in the family room for the rest of the afternoon to visit--really nice!

At 4 we figured Darin would be home from church so we sang Happy Birthday en masse to him over Willyne's speaker on her cell phone. Hope he enjoyed it, we were so off key we were laughing about it! But we meant well and we love you, Darin!

I had one other Dr Darin moment today. I took my mother home from church and went in for about 45 minutes. I showed her this blog and explained she could find out how I am doing and by extension how my children and their families are doing by clicking on the various blogs I follow. I showed her the tributes done for Benjamin's birthday this past Thursday--including Dr Darin's video relating shooting to collisions in the solar system. She enjoyed it - I enjoyed it - Darin has a great way of explaining things!

Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day!

I'm about to leave for an hour to go to Stake Priesthood Leadership meeting. Then the rest of the evening will be more family time. Sounds good to me!

I read 1 Ne 15 and 16 today. Another verification that the Lord is mindful of us and that He will bless us in our time of need if we ask in faith and obey his instructions.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Great Day Supporting Family Achieving Their Dreams

It was nice having Benjamin home from BYU today.  He came to do the St. George Triathlon - 1500 meters swim, 32 km bike ride, and 10 km run.  It was a late start (8:45 am) and a beautiful clear day, so plenty of sunshine for him.  I will post some pictures soon, including me in a long sleeve shirt and wide brim cowboy hat to try to get as much shade as possible, because radiation and lots of exposure to the sun don't mix too well.  I did great, no worries.

Benjamin finished and is in good spirits tonight, I'm impressed, he really doesn't seem that stiff.  His time was about 4 hrs 40 min which didn't set any records (the winner did it in like 1 hr 58 min) but he got lots of cheers as he finished!  More info on the event is available here.

My uncle Wally did a century ride today as well -- 104 miles from Portland, OR to the beach on a benefit ride for the American Lung Association.  I haven't heard how he did yet, but this is becoming a yearly tradition for him, so I'm sure it was great.  You can see a picture of him riding and more info on his event here.

I get a rest from the radiation treatments on the weekend, probably a good thing since I was extra sleepy today.  But then they said that would happen, I'm looking at it as a positive and figure that is a time my body can use to heal itself!

Check back in a day or two and I'll have the pictures here of a great day supporting family achieving their dreams!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 3 - Getting Into a Routine

This was my best day so far on radiation. I felt good and energetic all day, including the work day, getting my monthly blood PSA test (results in a week or so), and dinner at Texas Roadhouse with my brothers John, Tom, and Steve and also LaRee and Marnie. John's wife Peggy had to work. Willyne and I shared a plate of ribs. Good conversation, we enjoyed it!

When I got home, Benjamin had arrived, Josh and his children; and Becca's friend Suze were all here! Very nice!

Soon they left,and Benjamin sat down to talk with Willyne and I. That's when I hit the wall. 60 to zero in 8.3 seconds, at least that's what it felt like. Overall, a good day, I'll catch you tomorrow!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, Benjamin!

I can't add much to what has already been said about Benjamin today, but one more time-- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  You are very loved!

Day 2 of my radiation treatments was simpler than the first day.  Nothing to set up this time, not even a wait.  We were there three minutes early, but there they were, door open, ready to take me back from the waiting room as soon as we got there!  Where have you ever had that happen at a medical facility before?  Wow!
The machine moved to all the same places as yesterday, and by 8:50 am (23 minutes after arriving) we were back in the car headed home.  Double Wow!

I am doing well.  I was sore in some places they radiated yesterday, but a good night sleep helped with that.  Today I got a little light headed and queasy in the afternoon.  I could have used a little nap, but I got through the afternoon OK.

When I got home, I had a nice surprise.  Josh, Ethan, Kate, and Riley were here playing.  We had a nice visit, capped off by rocking Riley to sleep.  I love doing that!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It Begins . . . with pictures

Day 1 of radiation treatments.  I have some pictures  --  I think you will find them interesting . . .

Ready to start the treatment

First of six views

Thanks to my two great radiology technicians for being good sports and taking these great pictures!

Dressed again right after the treatments were done, standing with Dr. Richards.  I am enjoying him a lot -- he is clearly knowledgable, answers our questions clearly, and is very kind.

My own impression of what radiation treatments are has changed now that I am receiving them.  I think I pictured radiation going everywhere in the room.  It is not like that at all.  The machine moves to exact positions and the radiation is quite focused -- seems much like a laser beam.

I feel good.  I can feel that something was done for sure, but I was able to put in a full day afterwards.  I was at work until about 4, then left and helped Willyne and the Relief Society sisters honor twelve living past presidents.  It was a nice evening of music (piano and violin numbers), listening to the experiences of these good ladies, and a tasty dinner of chicken and rice, spinach -strawberry salad (thanks, Hilary for the yummy dressing recipe), cranberry bread, and some amazing lemon cupcakes.  I had half mine.

No walk today, but four hours of walking, lifting, and taking pictures so I felt like I got my exercise!

A good day :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Smell of Rain this Tuesday Morning

Up at 5:45 today.  Helped Willyne fill the hummingbird feeders and put out bird seed.  It is raining lightly but steadily, smells nice!  Willyne and I visited the Jaques family and said goodbye to Michael, who is on his way early this morning to Job Corps in Montana for two years.  I hope it works out well for him.

Breakfast was a kefir shake, vitamins, and water.  I am enjoying them :o)     As a side note, my weigh-in Sunday morning was 255.0, down two pounds for the week.

Read 1 Nephi 11.  I love this beautiful account of Nephi's vision of the coming of Christ!  Also read Joshua 2-3.  Joshua was definitely a man of faith and a prophet.

Got to work at 8:30.  Tried to get a lot done preparing for going to part-time for several weeks with the radiation treatments starting tomorrow.  Got home at 6:15, had a quick dinner with Willyne, then headed to bishopric meeting.  House smells WONDERFUL, she's cooking up some wonderful creations for tomorrow's dinner honoring eleven past ward Relief Society presidents!

Yes, even with the good smells, I was good.   Lunch was a "Wahoo burger" -- it is a type of fish on a wheat bun.  Dinner was a chicken fajita with some beans.  Drank close to three liters of water today.

Still no walking.  Allergies are gradually improving, but I'm still hour to hour and am afraid I would go into an uncontrollable sneezing fit so I'm holding off a little longer.  I miss the walks!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The tortoise is smiling . . . and he loves company!

Breakfast was a kefir shake, vitamins, and water. Lunch and dinner were premeasured meals (tuna with cheese on pita; shrimp pasta and broccoli).  More water. Had dessert tonight, small strawberry shortcake.

Here's a thought I had today . . .

Clearly we are subject to many rules and laws in our lives.  Some we can plainly see.  Some we can only see the results of.  It is easy to talk ourselves into believing these rules don't exist and live our lives like they don't . . . but we can only choose our actions, not the results of our actions.

Sometimes these results are immediate, other times they are delayed for many years.  That does not change the truth that we can only choose our actions, not the results of our actions.

For example, take exposing our skin to the sun.  If we do not get enough sunlight, we miss essential nutrients and also can get quite depressed.  If we get more sunlight than we need, in the short term we may like the resulting tan and the way we look and feel.  But years later, the results will come in the form of increased wrinkling, faster aging, and possibly even cancer.   When the years have passed, we cannot change the results of the choice we made long ago.

You are undoubtedly familiar with another rule, commonly known as the Golden Rule.  Jesus simply stated it thus, “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” (Matt. 7:12.)

Each of us has countless opportunities each day to decide to observe or ignore this rule.  Often it is to our immediate benefit to ignore it.  I ask you to ponder this day and often what has been the cumulative result of countless people each choosing to ignore the Golden Rule whenever they like . . . and how much difference it would make in our troubled world if a few people "swam against the current" and made a habit to choose to regularly say to themselves  "I will do unto others as I would have them do unto me." 

The tortoise is smiling . . . and he loves company!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Busy Saturday

I helped clean our bathrooms this morning.

Had lunch with Willyne and my mother this afternoon.

(Evidence that I'm eating healthy.  Green beans, lettuce, tomatoes, boiled shrimp, grilled chicken (no skin).  One plate. Water. Love those Chinese scubbers!

Had dinner and a movie with Willyne hosted by Jacob and Hilary this evening.

A great day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Sunny Spring Friday

Had a hard time getting up today, finally put my feet on the floor for good at 7:20.  The allergy medicine saps my strength, but not breathing saps it more, so I'll choose breathing!  It is a pretty morning, I'm ready to enjoy the day!

Read from 1 Nephi 10 and Leviticus 25.  Am thinking I kind of like the concept of a "jubilee year"!

Breakfast was a kefir shake, vitamins, allergy medicine, and water, then went to the office.  Lunch and dinner were premeasured meals. 

Had two visits with Stephen Sanders today, who seems to be doing much better.  He will resume chemotherapy treatments on Tuesday, it is good that he is feeling well enough to do that.

In between the two visits, had a quiet evening talking and planning with Willyne.  We both enjoy that very much!

No walk today, but allergies are gradually improving.  I'm hoping to feel good enough to start walking again on Monday.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Smash Burger with Doug Jr for His Graduation!

I'm wishing now I had thought to take a picture of the new "Smash Burger" in St. George.  This is where Doug Jr wanted to go for his bachelors degree graduation lunch, so Willyne, Josh, Jacob, and I joined him there.  It is a very modern looking place with bright colors and sharp graphics.  The food is fresh and good, we enjoyed a good conversation and meal!  Big congratulations to Doug Jr!

I had a grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and red onion (hold the mayo) on a honey wheat roll.  We shared sweet potato fries, I had maybe a dozen with no sauce.  Drank water, but sampled one taste each of the mint and strawberry shakes others had.  All very good.  Other than that, I had my measured meals for breakfast and dinner and half a zone bar at each of two snacks.  I'll be honest, this is still hard, I like to eat!  But for another day I was able to stay with it, yea!

Thankfully, my allergies were a little better today, meaning I was able to control them with medicine, whereas yesterday, nothing would dent them, I was sneezing almost constantly.

I was looking through some notes today and rediscovered a Gandhi quote that I really appreciate,  "Be the change you wish to see in the world".  I mentioned it to Willyne and she pointed out that is also the message of the Michael Jackson song "Man in the Mirror".  It seems especially appropriate as the days and years progress and more of us seem unhappy with the way the world is going.  When I think this I really try to renew my efforts to be a better person myself.  It is a strong motivator, not to mention a very true thought from both of these men!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Tortoise Gets Tattooed

Here I am today in front of the entrance to the radiation oncology department of the local hospital.  For those of you who are familiar with the hospital, this department is located on the 400 East (Flood Street) side of the original hospital campus.

Inside they have all the latest high tech equipment that will give me my treatments.   Today I got a CT scan which Dr. Richards will use to create the 3D virtual image of me that I described in another post a few days ago.  They also created a mold where they will put my feet to help keep me as still as possible while the treatments ar going on.  I hold a round rubber donut with both hands to keep that part of my body still.  I am wearing one of those lovely blue hospital gowns with a couple ties in the back.  They will become my friends over the next several weeks.

Not only do they need me to be absolutely still during the treatments but they need to have me in precisely the same position every time.  So . . . .

I was tattooed four times today.  Yes it hurt to do it, after about ten minutes that passed, but it did sting a good while.  More than ever I don't understand why anyone would want to be tattooed voluntarily for the sake of art or personal expression.  When I look at someone with tattoos, all I see is pain!

My tattoos are single pin pricks, filled with ink.  There are two on my upper legs and two on my pelvis.  Then they drew big "X"s through each of them.  These points will be used to line my body up precisely every time.

So the actual treatments start a week from today.  They will take about 15 minutes, so I will spend much more time driving, changing clothes, etc. than I will in the actual treatments.  I lay flat on my back and close my eyes, so while it is going on it is kind of, sort of, like a nap.  If you have ever been scanned then you know about how the treatments are going to be.  I just try to stay really relaxed and the best way to do that for me is to close my eyes and zone out.

I am supposed to be able to drive myself to and from these appointments, but I'll admit it, I like the support of having Willyne come with me!  I'm optimistic and think I'll do fine, but I do plan to take this one day at a time.

In the meantime, yes, I did have small healthy meals today.  I'm about a week in to that part of it now, I'm hoping in three it will be a habit.  So far I am enjoying it!  No walk though, my allergies were going absolutely nuts today, so I passed on that.

Read a few more chapters of Leviticus today, that was good too.

I feel your love and prayers and appreciate them very much!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I can't believe . . .

Has it really been thirty-two years that I've been married to Willyne? It really went quickly!  We've certainly had our share of challenges, but have to admit they made us stronger -- and we have been greatly blessed in so many ways!

I'm not going to take a lot of time on this special day to write them all, I'll come back tomorrow for that.  Just know I am a very grateful man everyday, and especially today!

PS -Happy, happy birthday, Rachel!  I'm so happy you were our special 4th anniversary present!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Few Random Quick Thoughts

It is late, I'm going to write quickly tonight.  I did a lot of work today.  I ate healthy again, yea!  Kefir shake and vitamins for breakfast today.  Small amount of leftovers from yesterday's lunch (measured portions to begin with) for morning snack.  Measured portion lunch and dinner.  Afternoon snack was half a zone bar. No evening snack.  Drank two liters of Kangen water today.

My weekly weigh-in yesterday was 257.0.  I almost didn't believe it, really didn't think I had done that well (down 5.5 pounds for the week).

Read three chapters of Leviticus today.  Lots of details about the Mosaic law.  I knew it was detailed, but it still is surprising me just how much so.

I got to see Darin, Sarah, Chloe and Abby on a webcam call for a few minutes late this afternoon, that had to be the highlight of my day!

No walk today.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Update on My Treatments

Sarah asked me a question today that I'm guessing you also may have, so I will share it with you:

Q:  What day does it (your treatments) start again?

A:  It was going to be tomorrow when the treatments were going to be in Salt Lake.  Now I go in Wednesday, May 5 for imaging.  Dr. Richards, my radiation oncologist, will create a 3D virtual image of me and then take a week to plan the treatments in detail.  So I will start the treatments sometime in the next 2 weeks.  I think he'll tell me on the 5th the exact day.

Willyne and I are positive about Dr. Richards and about this course in general.  I personally really appreciate all of your love and prayers.  I am very grateful and know you are each helping me, I feel your strength!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

More fun with Ethan, Kate, and Riley

I know I got a good physical workout today, my body tells me so.  I don't know how far I walked, but I know it was at least a mile!  All doing good fun things with my grandchildren - I held and rocked Riley, pushed Kate on the swings, and kicked the soccer ball with Ethan. It was a good food day too.  I had a small bowl of Irish oats for breakfast with half a banana and a dozen blueberries. I had a small chicken pasta salad for lunch and a large chicken and shrimp salad for dinner (no dressing). I had half a zone bar for morning snack and the other half for an afternoon snack.  Once again, water was the drink of the day.  And for once, I didn't feel hungry in the evening - I was done eating for the day at 6.  I am feeling good (except when I go too long between allergy pills). 

All in all a great day!