Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Highlight of My Day, Week, ...

Today was the final day of an eight day trip.  I've done over 20 tax returns and done a lot of consulting and counseling too.  Twice I got up at 3:30 am to catch flights.  It is "go time" for sure.

Willyne came to northern Utah this morning for our nephew's blessing of his son.  It was one of those many "divide and conquer" moments we have had in our lives together.  We honestly didn't think our paths would cross ...

So, I am driving south from an appointment in Clinton (near Ogden) to another one in Orem.  As I approach
the 2600 South exit in Bountiful/Woods Cross, I notice that it is 11:53 am and that Willyne is scheduled to have lunch with Danielle at Kneaders at noon.  So I get off the freeway and park the car just in time to watch Willyne drive into the parking lot.  I had just enough time for hugs, then had to continue to my appointment.

That two minutes was the best thing I've done all week (thank you, Willyne)!

Here I am with Danielle and Marissa ... big smiles all around!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

20 Years Travelling To Northern Nevada

I've been working with Jim and Val Prather since we both lived in the same Alta Loma, CA ward in 1990.  A couple years later, we both moved, us to Utah, them to Gardnerville, Nevada.  Since it's been 20 years, I thought you would enjoy some pictures ...

Jim and Val

If all you've seen of Nevada is Vegas and surroundings, their home and 5 acres of horse pasture might not be what you had pictured.  Yes, there is some green in Nevada.  :)

Cowboy art is big in this area, this is pretty descriptive of it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dinner at Philippe's and Unbelievable Sights Around Union Station

I have three clients on the fifth floor of a building on Wilshire Blvd. a couple miles west of downtown L.A.  I visited with two of them today.  I thought I would get dinner before attempting to drive out to Ontario for the night to be ready for appointments there tomorrow ... and realized I was only two miles from one of Sarah and Darin's favorite places, Philippe's.  On my way in for a yummy french dipped beef sandwich and some potato salad, I noticed something amazing across the street ...

I did not photoshop this.  The station was open, and people were buying their gasoline.  The going price all over southern California is in the $4.35 to $4.45 range for regular, which is certainly high enough, but these guys have decided if the price is that high anyway, they might as well make a little profit on the deal ...

Monday, March 19, 2012

"It Never Rains In California"

That was a great song!

Well, it did rain in California, and hard, pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday.

This is the view I got while waiting for a signal light to change near the Ontario airport on my way to my first appointment this morning.  It probably should rain here more ... look how well the place cleans up when it rains!  Love the blue skies and the snow on Ontario and Cucamonga peaks!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Thanks to Willyne for giving me this great tie.  Gave me smiles all day while meeting with clients and doing tax returns!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Blue Angels Come To St. George

After working in Hurricane this morning and Mesquite this afternoon, I headed to the airport to catch the one daily (OK, six days a week once a day) flight to Los Angeles to start a trip to see clients there.

I knew the Blue Angels were coming to town for an air show this weekend.  The crowds were already starting to line up at the airport for their practice runs this afternoon.

These are amazing planes and even more amazing pilots.  They are going fast.  Very, very fast.  The ground shakes as they fly overhead.  They fly straight up, then straight down, and so close together you can't imagine how they don't crash into each other.

Just look at that picture.  Do you feel the need for speed?  It was an amazing and fun experience watching them for a few minutes from the parking lot.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grass Roots Government at Work!

Willyne and I attended our neighborhood caucus to choose delegates to the county and state conventions where those delegates will choose our candidates for Congress, Governor, State Legislature, and various county and district offices.  I volunteered to be the scribe for the evening ... and enjoyed the experience!

I was one of five candidates for state delegate and was really hoping to be chosen.  Jed Stout and Wade Beatty were our choices, with Josh Melessa as alternate.  They will do a good job!

So will my sweetheart as a county delegate and precinct secretary!  I'm excited for her ... go Willyne!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Notes from Stake Conference, Part 2

Notes from the Sunday morning session of our Stake Conference held 11 Mar 2012

Willyne noted to me later this was one of the best sessions of any conference she has ever attended.  That sums it up right there!

 President DeMille

 Talked about America as a place where with hard work and sacrifice we can still accomplish our dreams.

 Described life of Dr. Russel M. Nelson how he accomplished his dreams to become and be a great doctor.

 In 1984 he was called by President Kimball to be an apostle. He has dedicated his life to promote a higher dream...of the tree of life. 1 nephi 8 Three groups of people in this dream, besides the 4 th group that go straight to the great and spacious building. Where do we find ourselves in this dream? We can lose the desire to be close to God quickly by being casual about prayers, reading scriptures, etc. We must then hold steadfast to the rod by living the teachings we read about in the scriptures. Asked us to look at scriptures that talk about entering into the rest of the Lord. It is possible to change our path towards the tree. We cannot give up on ourselves or anyone else. We should daily look at ourselves and evaluate where we are on the path towards the tree. We cannot be ashamed for who we are, just the opposite! This Church is true! We ARE guided by a prophet! Leave the American dream life to pursue the Tree Of Life dream life.

Brother Ryan Smith, recently returned missionary, and ward mission leader in Springdale

 Gave his testimony that there is no joy greater than helping a person find their testimony of the Savior! 

Sister Martha Gubler, LaVerkin 3rd Ward

 Jesus loves us and wants to help us in our imperfections. We all struggle, don't let that overcome you!

 Heavenly Father doesn't expect perfection, just progression.

 Sister Madrid, a full time missionary currently serving in our mission

 I thought my mission would be something spectacular, and it has been because I have learned the plain and simple truths!

 She bore a very sweet and heartfelt testimony.

 Sister Colleen Lund

 Live your life so carefully that the youth would say I want to be just like you.

 Elder Stephen Lund

 Testified of importance of listening to your wife.

Told several personal stories

His ancestors conversions

His son Tanner's 3 year battle with bone cancer

Of taking his son and son in law to Lazarus's tomb just before he, his wife and his son all began missionary service in 2003.

Jesus makes it not only possible but mandatory that we will be resurrected and live again. The only question s how we will live!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Notes from Stake Conference

Notes I took at the Saturday evening session of our Stake Conference held 10 Mar 2012

President Eves

We are on Jesus's team, not Satan's. Takes sacrifice and effort to be on Jesus's team.

D & C 37: Take name of Christ and have determination to serve him.

Mosiah 18:9 Stand as witness of God in all places and times! We might be nervous about this, do it anyway!

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of courage. Lord will be with us.

Gideon was an amazing man.  Judges 6:14-15. Gideon was visited by an angel. Go forth, save Israel, you can do this. Gideon got a witness, was strong, and obeyed. May we have the faith of Gideon, who did not know what to do save what the Lord commanded. Think of one individual, wherever they may be. Commit yourself to share your witness and testimony with them.

Sister Carolyn Eves

Reminded us of President DeMille's call to have a daily devotional.
Understand demands of motherhood and life. Easy to set devotionals aside, log in to heaven first each day, Lord will bless us with the rest of what we do.

 If we heed personal revelation we cannot fail!

Ephesians 6:12 Alma 56:47 Teaching in our day require vigilance!

Esther in the Bible is a wonderful example.

Sister Laurie Gifford, Stake Primary President

Quoted Elder Nelson, "The church exists to exalt the family."

Ask our children what they learned in church. We can look up our children's lessons on, then reinforce in home evening.

 Our biggest joys in life will be our children!

 Sister Colleen Lund

 We are learning about George Albert Smith. His life goals are so magnificent! He honored his priesthood by loving and doing, in spite of serious health issues.

 Elder Stephen Lund

 Both he and his wife noted the beauty of this area we live in.

Heavenly Father never fails to reward sacrifice.

 "The Lord wants us to be on the front lines of his rescue efforts." (quoted President Uchtdorf) When we go about the work of rescue we are never alone.

Welcome to Connect Five!

Ethan was introduced to Connect Four by his Uncle Doug (aka Chief), and let me tell you, he is a shrewd player!

Willyne and I found out he didn't have his own set, so we went to get one...lo and behold, the closest you can come is Connect Five, which is the traditional game with two bonus rows and six ways to play.

His smile and excitement warm my heart!

And yes, we played, and he won!

In other excitement at our home today, Josh and Darin ventured into 56 degree water to clean out the rocks the girls "donated to the cause".   Cooooooold to the bone!