More walking today in the ongoing Keep Dad Alive effort, you can read about it at
Here are some thoughts I enjoyed today,
My thoughts while reading 2 Corinthians 4:3-4: The good word of Christ is there for all to see, if we don't blind ourselves to it by our own actions.
"A goal is a dream with a deadline". - Napoleon Hill
I had a 9 pm appointment with a couple in Seattle using Skype. Skype kept breaking up, we wound up going back to a regular phone. The husband didn't have enough tax withheld from his paycheck, and the wife got a 1099 from her employment and paid low estimated tax. They need a refund. Getting very little benefit from high child care payments. I could go on and on, it is going to take a lot of work documenting business expenses offsetting some of the 1099 income to keep them from owing several thousand dollars. I have another follow-up with them after city council tomorrow night.
This is not a complaint, just thought you would be interested in a glimpse of what keeps me up late some nights. I actually enjoy the challenge.
I am the passionately smiling tortoise, and thank you for reading this and supporting me. I appreciate it.
Happy Halloween!
We have hundreds of photos from our childhood but none of us in Halloween
costumes. I love this one of my cute little brothers. #throwbackwednesday
6 years ago